Tuesday, January 21, 2014

不是不试, 而是真的累了...

每当我向朋友诉苦的时候,他们都说 ‘是你的,就会是你的’ 或者是 ‘要来的,迟早会来’... 换句话说就是叫我耐心的,慢慢的, .

我心想, 不是我没耐心等不了, 而是我拿每次付出的一切, 结果都是白费的. 一次不行,再来过.. 二次不行,没关系再试过.. 三,四,五次都行不通我还真的不知道该怨谁.. 我,没有爱迪生那份无比的耐心可顶到一百多次才把他那伟大的灯泡成功的发明完成. 有时候心还真的蛮灰, 也很累..

不是不知福, 可是有时候真的不知道自己应该怎样做才可以得到想要的,自己到底是哪里不对了. 还真的是很一头雾水. 还有, 那些‘只要你幸福我都为你高兴’的废话只是白痴才会说的, 那么伟大还不如去当个和尚?! (no offense to any monk and of course the sacredness of being one)

很难得才会用华语记录我的 blog, 唯有在这种情况下才会小写两句.. 很少见哦~ 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Moment of truth.

For one reason or another, I finally got the balls to actually spit it out. May not be the best of time, but well, never know when will I ever have that gutsy again!!

That heart-pounding moment when was something like the kick of smoking pot (as if I did). Oh well, it turned out to be, alright still... But we shall see, we shall see how it goes.