Eddie's ready for the start~
I was in total ownage by that time,XD
At first,we weren't interested with bowling,but then suddenly all of them went towards the bowling section after some time,which means my spree for owning L.Song on billiard was gone,LOL... *sob sob* (Song,chill chill,no offence)
During our bowling session...
Hahahahaaaa... Have you ever seen such a posture on the bowling track before?? XD
And the 2nd place goes to L.Song~
I wonder how he could have this post after he bowled the ball. LOL...
And now,here's the best posture among all of us~ -Jeon-
Precisely and Accurately with sexy-ness~ XD
Guys,no offence ya... ^_^
At first Hao was cutting the chillies,but then Shou took over...
Rupa-rupanya,semuanya konon-nya... @.@
After both the 'qing1 tang1' and the 'ma2 la4' soups were boiled,we then started out eating session without delay,because we were hungry,you see... ^_^
"Qing1 tang1"
"Ma2 La4"
After these two soups were boiled,we then dumped everything inside,^_^ And they look something like this...
We had our great time eating and crapping around~
Hey! Check this out,look at Jia Li's pose on this photo... She's sooo0o gonna kill me if she knew this,XP
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! Luckily Hao's hand blocked part of Jia Li's mouth. With her facial expression,try to imagine how will her mouth look like?? XD (Jia Li,don't get angry yea,^_^)
Hohohoo~ After eating for about 6-7 rounds,we couldn't get anything into our stomach anymore,then we started to crap around again XD,this time even Zhe's sis joined us,hahaaa... We talked about school's canteen,and our education's topic. Most importantly,we did alot of gossips,hahaa,that was really a great time we had...
Around 11.30pm,we then started to clean up everything. And while I was washing those plates together with Theng,hahaaa,suddenly Theng's phone rang and he 'THREW' those plate aside,and shouted "IVY TENG GONG!!" and then,he rushed out to the living room to answer the phone... Hahaaa,padahal Ivy spoke English instead of Mandarin,this made Theng kinda difficult to have a conversation with her,that was fun,^^
After that,Hao fetched Jia Li and Theng back home...
Jia Li + Theng + Hao
Actually,Hooi was having his birthday party today (but then his party is on the 9th) Well,i should have be there,but still Zhe called me up first,no choice but to go to his place first. Hmmm,anyhow,great time we had,thanks for the treat and everything ya Zhe ^_^
Lin Zhi Ling!!!
Have a closer look...
She was chosen/voted as the Asian top sexiest female celebrities! Hoooray!! (I will upload a special post regarding to Lin Zhi Ling,sooner or later,hehee) Well,it was followed by Jolin Tsai on the 2nd,and Hou Pei Chen on the 10th...It says that Lin Zhi Ling have won this for three consecutive year! No doubt,she is the sexiest,pretties,hottest,cutest,whatever-est female celeb! Long-live leng lui,long-live LZL!! XD
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurthday to Min Moi!!!!~
Happy birthday to Euu...
Hoohoooo~ Happy birthday to M.M Hahaa,as they said,17 already,don't be sooo childish,be mature,XD... May all your wish comes true yea... All the best ^_^ And for those who misunderstood about us,both of us are just friend,ish ish...
on my nose uh
You must be thinking that how the hell am i going to put this bicycle in my mom's Mercedes-Benz duh??!! Well,dad stuffed and tied half of the whole bicycle into the boot of the car,uh but then it's too big in size...
The red string was what we used to tie up the bicycle uh
Noon time,went K.K to have my basketball. All the while i told my mom something like this...
"Maaa,I'm going to K.K along with Jeon"
By mentioning 'Jeon' doesn't mean that he was the one that fetch me all the time,but today it's really JEON,who is the one that fetched me to K.K duh!
Uhhh~ Jeon's on the wheel~
Hohooo,now that my second friend that drives to fetch me is Jeon liao duh... Not to mention on bikes,most of them fetched me before with their bike duh...
As for basketball,at first i was kinda satisfy with my own performance,but then stamina kills me,=.=" Talk about skills,I'm no match for them as majority of them were having school practice or representing schools for basketball,most of them stays in K.K,that's why they could practice anytime they want duh...
Ooooh~ I was just soooo damn happy just now. Guess what? I gave a steamboat for Jeon while he was attempting to have his lay-up. Wuuuuhuuu~ DAMN happy you know?! XD
I've got to practice more in order to give more steamboat for them duh,it might be a lucky one for Jeon's,but still,at least I've did it... Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
After dinner,went back home,took my bath,rest for a while,then straight DoTA~ hahahaaa. It took a long time for us to finish that match,but still it was a nice game though.