Never before I felt that weak as well when I found myself having both diarrhea and fever, double the pain =/ And I have never felt this great in my life before after almost 20 years of living!! Having been in such a bad situation is more than enough to both mentally and physically torture myself. So tough that I even had illusions(no joke). Every seconds, every minutes just seemed so so slow... Tho, I know there are much more people having way WAY shittier situation that what I was having, well at least I had that in mind all those while.
Without any appetite, I had just 3 slices of bread in 2 days, that was all =O Came the third day when i felt like eating something, that was when I had porridge and some soup for my meal. So weak that I couldn't even walk properly... Everyday I blast the toilet, sleep on the bed, that was my life for the past 3 days ='(
Thanks to a friend of mine who is kind enough to actually cook me a pot of porridge alongside with some veggie when I woke up feeling like eating something. The time that I actually had the appetite and the porridge was just the best ever remedy~
Life's hard, even harder when shits are happening... But that caused me to actually come to realize on the importance of ones strong mental strength. Its not something easy to be mastered of, and now I know :)