Today my dear Jeonny was having a party dinner for tonight...To my surprise,almost 30 of us including myself had been invited to the dinner... The dinner started at 7.30pm and so,we need 3 tables for each and everyone.. By 7.45pm almost everyone had reached to the restaurant... There was 2 person that can't made it for this dinner,and both of them was suppose to sit at my table. Now,there is only 8 people on my table...HOHO, this means that we're able to enjoy more food as compared to the other 2 tables...lolx
While we were having our meal,I somehow managed to found out somethings special inside the aquarium of the restaurant... I saw a creature that seems like a evolution of turtle and pig... Why would i said so?? It's because that the turtle's nose was almost the same as a pig's nose!! Here is the prove...
Well well,while we were enjoying our dinner, accidentally,we saw a group of form 5 students from 5Sc1...they were all having Karaoke in the restaurant... Honestly,the singing was totally sucks... Some of them can't even get into the high note,but still struggle on it,and some was like chicken's singing...HOHO, sorry if that offence someone in the incident,but im just telling the truth ^.^ 

After enjoying our meal,all of us were chatting around...And suddenly our Birthday boy (Jeon) gave an awesome idea,haha... The idea was actually taking group photos... We had requested the manager of the restaurant to help us to snap those photo... There is alot of stupid-posed photo were taken by us after that...We had lotsa fun,XD...
At about 10pm,most of us went back home,as for me,I followed my plan by heading to my friend (Shou)'s house and then stayed overnight until the next morning,and then go for the food-fair as volunteer for tomorrow (31 of October) at 8am in the morning...hohoho. There were only 2 of us that stayed overnight at Shou's house,one is Zhe and another one is me. By right 3 of us shouldn't be sleeping until the next morning and then straight to the food-fair,but then Zhe can't make it and dozed off at about 4am... Before that 3 of us are enjoying a comedy movie name 'Don't Mess With The Zohan' together with a bunch of junk food which I had brought earlier before,there were 3 packets of potato chips,2 packet of chocolate and strawberry stick biscuits respectively,1 packet of wafer,and 1 packet of Chocolate chips...HOHOHO... The movie made us burst out laughing because it was just way too funny and stupid.XD, Once the movie ended,Zhe then fallen assleep...then followed up by shou and me at 5am and 6am respectively...
31 of October 2008,Friday...
At 7 o'clock,Zhe woke me up and I went to brush my teeth, due to the reason of sleeping for only 1 hour,im actually on a 'blurry' condition when im brushing my that we went for the food-fair at about 7.30am... When we reached there, once teacher spotted our appearance,they then quickly command us to do this and about 9am, the food fair started, the stall that im on duty was selling curry puffs and 'Chai4 Gui4'. There were 4 of us on the stall, Y.Jian, K.Jia, H.Yong, and me...Hmmm... At first, our stall were abit of quiet,but after some times,people started to drop by our stall and greatly purchase our food,wow, that made us kinda happy actually...hahaha... About 1 and a half hour later,our food were all sold out!!! Thats out of our expectation...hahaha

For Jeon,his stall was opposite mine,but his partner was Heng Zi...the legendary god of bad luck...Why would i said so? It is because 2 of his hand phone were being stolen by this year,and weeks ago,his motor-bike was being stolen... =.=" Besides, the stall that Jeon took over was selling tomato sauces,chilly sauces,oyster soy-sauces,fresh mee,fresh kuey teow...This kinda of food doesn't really attract alot of people to purchase,but because these item were organize by school,that's why we have no choice on what we are going to sell...this made Jeon looks abit sad...poor Jeon,cheer up ^^
Then I went to meet some friends and took some photo before going back home...Once i entered the car,i was totally exhausted and dozed off in the car for the whole journey back to my home...