Friday, November 28, 2008
Days ago,i didn't post on my blog,hmm... Mostly is because that,this few days I'd been busy with some situation,some more I'm busy with the things on late midnight,which is the time that i used to post my blog... But then,these few days I've been very happy on and off,there is also bits of sadness appeared,but i think the happiness would be 'big' enough to cover it off...
SHIT for me today,I'm so stupid that i left my hand phone to deplete its battery until the alarm clock that i set was totally useless! And i can't made what i had promised! I'm sooooo sorry...i can't tell much of the detail on my blog,hope that you can understand once you saw the smses,please do understand... Now,i still can't stop blaming on my self for the stupidity that I'd done,DARN IT...
Attention:Dear Friends and viewer,please be informed that these few days i won't be around and mostly,i can't get to post my blog because I'm heading to KL for cousin's wedding and will be staying at there for a few days,probably until the 4th or the 5th...Thanks for your kindness of viewing banana's blog,^_^
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I like to move it move it,I like to move it move it,you like to...MOVE IT !!!
Well,its been almost a month or 2 that i had last go for my hair cut,today my mom grabs me along early in the morning with my bro to had breakfast (THANKS SHEON,XD),then after that went to cut my messy,grassy/carpety -alike hair to perfection,even my self can't tahan the hair for quite some time,it's just that i didn't get the chance to cut it... Hmm,i think shorter hair suits me,i called the auntie to just use the scissors to get my hair to be more 'thin' instead of 'thick' if you get what i mean...
This one looks abit better with some lotion on it,lolx...'lotion' zzzz
HOHOHO,it's almost 3 months ago since i last washed my pairs of shoes,they looks damn black and dirty,EWWWWWW... And today my mom ,again,force me to wash them of before going to KL,duh,I'm like sooo pain with my toe? Still need to wash em! Why don't call bro to wash it for me?! =,="
Before washing...DIRTY duh...
After washing and applied the 'whitening cream' lolx
Compare and Contrast...
Yesterday,i was having conversation with some friends along in a blog's chatter-box,while we're chatting, W.Pink suddenly starts with something like this...
B.Siew: I like to move it move it,i like to move it move it,you like to...MOVE IT!!!!
Bla bla bla ( alot of other conversation by some other people) Hey,just now i saw some one's Moving it~ WHOS THAT?!
W.Pink: Lets move it boon(the named she used to call) MOVE MOVE MOVE~~
W.Pink: HAHAHA ,both us love that so much,here,check this out boon,

P/S: who've got that DVD for Madagaskcar 2? please inform me ASAP!! I want it!!
You guys should really check this link out,it's damn awesome~ LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH,I LOVE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT,you like to... MOVE IT!! (especially at part 0:51) LOVE IT~~
Monday, November 24, 2008
What a day for my toe...thats hurt...T.T
See the red part below my toe?? It's where its swollen...T.T
With the flasshy thingy on, the yellow kinda stuff is the yellow lotion,and see the drip beside my toe...that's it...lolX
I Know that my toe looks gross,but i like em so much...XD that i would wanted to post more,but scare that you guys would have vomited... And so i stoped,sorry for the inconvinience XD
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Futsal~ It should be interesting at first,but then,it ends up with disapointment...
And so,i sneak to the toilet and get the slipper and waited for a chance to kill it,and when the time comes,i actually stupidly throw the slipper towards it...=.=" And it seems to get abit dizzy and then quickly ran under the cupboard... And im being scolded by my bro for my stupidity... LOLX..
And this morning (After 12am) while we are chatting,my bro suddenly yelled...SIEW!!! Quickly,its that stupid cockroach again!! And i looked over it,yeah its the same one and this time it walks damn slow,i think most probably is because of my 'flying slipper' towards it days ago,MUAHAHAHAHA... Then i quickly get the same slipper and ready for the chance... It walks slowly and sudenly---> *SMACK THAT~ Its finally dead! WUUUHU... But i didn't warped it up immediately,instead i go and continue my chatting first... XD
The dead body of it...PITY huh? NAAAH...
Take a close look~ EWWW,thats F**KING GROSS!!!
Hours later,i went to the toilet and get some tissue, and warped it up,( The Head IS STILL MOVING!!) WTF!!... Then i had a farely to it,and throw it into the 'pang sai tang' and bye bye,there you go my lovely one~ ^^
The Flushy Thingy...Just a pull on it~
BWAAAAH,Down you go,die in peace baby~
23th of November 2008,Sunday ( Noon Time)
I actually had already forgotten that today there's a futsal appointment,and i almost forgot about it until i saw my bro's MU T-Shirt (luckily). Then i quickly asked my mom whether she can fetch me or not,and minutes later,Jian phoned up and request to join my mom's car to the futsal field,and so we fetched Jeon right after Jian reached...
On the way to the futsall field,it looks damn like a 'kawasan perkampungan'
Minutes later,we then reached the field,and started with some warm up kicking~ Just right after everyone was in the court,i gave one powerfull shot to Jeon and the 2nd ball reached to me and i gave another a powerfull volley shot to Theng... Jeon kena back of his body,while Theng kena his ass...Sorry guys,i didnt mean to kick you guys...T.T
The team arrangement goes as the same as usual...=.=" ,my team was Jeon , Y.Jian , H.Shou , H.Yong ,and me, and their team was C.Yaw , Eddie , L.Song , C.Hao , K.Theng...
At first half of the match was very good,im the goal keeper at first,saved alot of nice shot,( XP ,makes me kinda happy with it) And then swtich to mid-field with Y.Jian... Things were very nice until H.Yong gets to be the Stricker in front.. Its not that i purposely wanted to complaint about you,is that you missed A F**KING lotsa chance to shoot infront of the goal !! And you missed them ALL,just scored 2 out of 10000 shot (uncountable golden opportunity) This actually made me and Shou pissed off, and later on,Jeon suddenly become lazy to run...WTF? You used to be the best runner of every game,but why not today?? Haiz,you and Yong just stand at the stricker possition and never come back to defend... I was sooo semangat today but both of you,kinda ruined the match... Anyway,its just a game,but then im kinda dissapointed...
(NO OFFENCE To Jeon and H.Yong,but it sure does pissed me off)
Well,during our match,Shou actually falls down himself for several times which made us all LOL-ed,hahaha,but knew that he was so 'hardworking' on the field,keep up the good work...^^
Oh ya,forgot to mentioned about the injuries~ MUAHAHAHA,today theres alot of us that injured during the game,since the game started for a few minutes and i had already made my toe to have a nice DRAG with the carpet of the field... It actually BLEED like anything,at first i didnt notice it,but later on i look at my toe and OMG,the blood flew out like anything...
Well,once it started to bleed,i feel damn darn pain of it,and can't even kick well,after a couple of minutes,it seems that it started to become normal,maybe this is what we called 'semangat sukan' ,right after the game,the pain started...=.="
When i reached home,finally,the moment of truth... BATH~ I actually needs lotsa courage to went into the toilet for my bath,because the toe that bleeds,will be so enjoyable when it get contact with water~ WEEEE~~ And there is goes,the water slowly flows towards my toe,and i started screaming... Alot of sound were produced,it goes like " UUUUH,AHHHH,AWWW,and finally a F**K!! " because its darn pain of it...=.="
It may looks like its just a small skin being peeled off,but...IT SURE DOES BLEED ALOT!!!
Take a closer look at it~ ^^ see the middle part (white white one) ,It bleeds out like waterfall~
This goes to my left Toe...See the brownish mark? Its the blood that dried! XD
Someone was down...
Shou--->kena a powerful shot at his stomach..AWW
Then,Jeon's mom came and fetched us up,after i finished this post,I'm gonna sleep like a pig...See ya...@.@
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rain rain rain,the rain just can't stop pouring~
PRINGLESS!!(Ori and BBQ's) and i'd done a few tin with my bro and cousin days ago...XD
Mentos's new flavour's bubble gum,it does appear in the article that it contain MELAMINE,but i hope this doesn't...@.@
Friday, November 21, 2008
Why is it so?
* Some photos are still not yet available,please be patient...*
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It's been a long long time...
Days ago,while i was sitting in front of my computer,suddenly my hand phone rang,and i look at the incoming call,surprisingly, it's her... Hahaha,its been quite some times since i last phoned her or even she phoned to me,hmm... Its been a few months ago,because she was just sooo 'busy' to talk on phone hahaha,well,this actually surprised me alot...hehe
And so,i answered the call...Hmm we had a looong chat for almost 1 hour, and because of my mom,i didn't have any places or rooms to stay in order to continue my conversation with her... Oh ya i had forgotten to mention,i used to talk on the phone inside my room,or maybe some where else which there is no one inside,hahaha (privacy duuuh XD)
And,yesterday she sms-ed to me and later on,i phoned to her and we had a loooong conversation too,haha... This time,im in my parent's room because they are watching TV downstairs, the bed room's light isn't switch on anyway... And while im having a nice time talking on the phone,i touched my nose,and i felt abit of 'watery' or perhaps some liquid??...Euuuu,and i smell some bloody smell,WHAT THE F?! My nose bleed~ hohoho,and i quickly ran to the toilet and wash on it,that smell sucks...=.="
Well,today i went to Shou's house for some stupid holiday homework,zzz chemistry and moral,Its raining heavily outside,and Shou's house gate were under 'construction' that made me difficult to enter his house. ..huh,doing homework?? Its just all konon-nya ,we just went there and talk for the whole day... Well,some thing that surprised me,our Ee Sheon dyed his hair with yellow oo,its actually made him looks like samseng laa... =.="
( Sheon,better get a better colour,yellow only suits for those samseng...lolx)
Shou's gate...=.="
Well,does it look samseng with this colour dyed on his hair?
So called 'DISCUSSING'... Huh...
Konon-nya punya hardworking...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This morning,one of my cousin and my auntie went back to Kuantan as they had already enjoyed enough over here at KB, and so,there is only of them left over here...
As i mentioned in my previous post,today it's my bro's birthday and so we went for Renaissance hotel for it's buffet as celebration for his birthday!!! Wuahahaha,well,we had bought a cake from S.Recipe oo,hahaha its costfull though,but i think it should be tasty as the price were so 'tastefull' too... We then went to Renaissance at night,by right we should be walking,but its raining and we need to took a ride with mom's car to the Hotel...Ish~ Its almost a month since we last step into the Hotel for dinner,HOHO, today's special was the lamb meat,(WOW,i love that...ALOT~ )
And then,we had alot of round taking those delicious food,the food were:Dry Curry Prawns,Grilled Fish,Duck Meat,Beef and alot more, among all those delicacy,i love fried mee the most~ hoho,although we should had ate something special instead of an ordinary fried Mee Mamak~ BUT IM LOVING IT~ hohoho, Theres some pictures of those delicious food,but i didn't manage to took alot of it,because if i do so,i think the worker or the chef might feel weird,some more,they might screw me up if i did so...lolx
Most likely,you people likes to take picture for the food as, 'Before eating' and 'After eating'...As for me,i prefer those 'After' punya...hahahaha
This is the mee that i mentioned,it may look ordinary,but it does attracted me alot~,but seems it also taste like an ordinary fried mee,XD wuahahaha
In my history,when ever i went to Renaissance for dinner,after my meal,no matter how full I'm,i will sure have a bun before ending the meal...hohoho
Well well,the food were delicious,and so we went back home at around 10pm... About 11pm,mom decided to took the cake out and snap some photo of it,hoho... This time its abit special than it used to be,there is one more person that involve in the photo,hoho, this time my cousin were on the photo as well... The cake were delicious,but we were just tooo full to take in more.^^
Cheesssssssssssssssssssss Cakey~
Family duh~
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What a day~
The Conversation between Shaq and the Reff...
Referee: Lalalala...~ I can't hear you~ Besides, you can't do anything to me~ lalala...
This is a BIG hole some where around Bentong...LOL
Cousins~ At Kulim Restaurant...
BuuuuuRB~ Full~
Later on,after we had finished our dinner,then just pop into the car and Vroooom~ headed to home... Well well,things get stupid this time,my dad is the one tat leads the way AGAIN~ then while we're on our way back,dad suddenly put a left hand side signal...LOLX,we're on the wrong road...wuahahaha,that is the way to somewhere far away from KB...HOHOHO My cousin just bomb at my father like mad...haha,it goes like...
Cousin: Uncle,what happen? Just now we didn't had any alcohol worr,you seems to be drunk o,XD
Dad: =.="
AT the end,we still managed to reach home,haha just took abit of time to took a U-turn and head back to KB,hahahaha...
Anyway,later on (12am 19th of November) its my brother's birthday,haha i waited for 12am,by that time he was watching TV,and i just open my hand wide to him,and so he does,and he didn't expect something,that i actually gave him a KISS on the cheek!!! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,thats one a of a kind present~ WUUUHU
P/S: Happy birthday to my dear brother ^^ T.B.L wish your dream can come true and try to get rid of your stress,routine and pressure, me,mummy and daddy are always be there to support,and we are always worried about you when you're in KL,please do take good care of yourself ^^,anything just share with your bro over KB,me~ HOHOHOHOHO....