^^ (ignore those foot step)
Hmm,while I'm done with my 'art' i was sooo happy and hope that you will get to know this as soon as possible ^^ When i reached my chalet everyone was asking that where i've been for so long,i replied with just a smile... When i first step into the chalet, OMG,can you imagine more than 10 person squeezed inside a small room? Luckily the room that I'm staying was better,at least the air cond functioned well and it was actually quite cooling,for the 2nd room,the air-cond sucks!
This is our room-(look at the couple...Ish Ish~)
Just ignore the one with grey shirt at the right...^^
After that some of us were taking our rest while the others were gambling and some were playing PS-2...Around 5.30pm we then went to help out on the preparation for our BBQ, fried mee and spaghetti were served before the BBQ started,and its delicious ^^ It started to get dark outside and we were having our BBQ just below a 'pondok' ,because so,we requested the lobby to switch on the light over our place but then nothing happen,and we need to use torch lights to light things up to look after our food,lolx though this was kinda special. We had lotsa fun on our BBQ and took lotsa photo too...
P/S: This is the most unique BBQ party i had ever attended,there is only chicken and sausage for us...cool right?Beat him up!
After having our meal,we decided to have a walk along the shore... While we were walking along the shore,the wind was chilling and the sound of the wave was nice... We then decided to sit down and enjoy the view and listen to the wave that hits towards the shore... By that time,everyone was in a silence,and my mind came up of you... I figured out alot of things that's related to you,it actually made me to miss you by that time... Minutes later,we then walk along the shore and head towards our chalet... And while I'm walking and talking with H.Yong, our conversation goes like this...
B.siew: Hey Yong,do you realise something just now?
H.Yong: Nop,whats that?
B.siew: Did you saw D.Q and William? William seems lot more taller than D.Q while they walked together,right?
H.Yong: Ya,William really looks much TALLEEEEERR,AAAAAA...
In the dark...
What actually happens? HAHAHA,its the wave that suddenly hits the shore too vigorously until the water flows up to further away as it used to...HOHO both of us were keep on LOL-ing...XD Right after when we reached our chalet,everyone was just chatting around and playing cards,packets of junk food were finished by us,we had lotsa fun...
Hours later,the girls went back and we boys started to chat around while some were watching TV...Around 3am,we've got nothing to do,and started to switch on music player from our phone and we started to sing out LOUD,very very LOUD!! Until my throat were almost burst out...Besides i came out a stupid idea by that time was to phone MC.Donald for delivery...hahahaha,i phoned and turn on the loud speaker and what we heard was 'HELLO Sir,May I have your order please...SIR??SIR??!!' XD
(I bet the worker must be very TULAN)
Around 4am in the morning we were still awake,but some were sleepy but they just can't sleep because we are slapping those that sleeps before the sun rises XD ,But then,moments later all of us can't stand of it and just sleep and squeezed like sardine...
Around 6am we woke up to catch up the sun rises view and took some beautiful pictures... But the sun rises at about 7am which we had waited for about an hour...=.=" Around 12am, we then checked out and waited for our parents to fetch us home,once i reached home,sleep like a pig for 3 hours... EXHAUSTED!!
Another stylish posing at around 6.15am
Wonderful view...how much i wish you could be by my side to enjoy this...
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