Thursday, April 30, 2009
The rival between M.U and Arsenal!!
Muahahahaaaa,the rival is ahead,30 minutes more to go,and M.U gonna face their epic lose to the Gunners!! ROAR!!! I'm sooo gonna watch it! Will update after the match... Hmm,let's see how M.U lose to Arsenal,XD
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Last Saturday,it was my first time ever to sit on my friend's car (my 'friend' refers to the person which is of the same age with me)
Anthony's with his Kancil... Hohooo~
Hmm,I believe that most of you have got a cooling pad for your laptop,aren't you? Well,I've got problem with the cleaning of the fan,seriously... =_____="
Errr... I've got my laptop for more than half a year,which means the cooling pad wasn't washed or cleaned for like...6/7 months??!! Ewww... 3 of the fan 'diao' with a bunch of dust,all i could see were 3 fan coated with black dust which is gross...
I've cleaned 2 of them,1 more to go...
Because that the fan is just sooooo darn difficult to clean,i took almost 5 minutes for each of them... These were those left over after the cleaning process duh...

Dusts + Tissues + Dusts + Toothpick + Dusts!!
You might be curious,and should probably be questioning yourself... Why there is toothpick?? Well,it enable me to get to clean the fan easier by wrapping it with a piece of tissue. Uhhh,gonna go back to my work luu~
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Basketball + Birthday party + Yum Cha~
Hurmm,yesterday was kinda fun,was considering whether to go for basketball or just stay at home and sleep. After some time of consideration,instead of putting aeroplane to my Pin Pin,and so i decided to go duh. First of all,went to Kubang Kerian for basketball,by that time i was kinda shocked,cus there were soooo many people on the basketball court duh. Rupa-rupanya they were going for S.Ching's birthday party at around 7pm duh,so yeah...
Due to that,i waited for about an hour until my turn to be on the court,duuuh... By that time,I was trying to snap some photos while i was sitting beside the court with Yen,but then my stupid phone's camera have got problems again,that really pissed me off,gaaaah!
After having my turn,it was about 8pm and so we went to Yen's house to have our bath before going to S.Ching's birthday. Actually,i wasn't invited by her,but then i have no choice but to follow them along...Anyhow,she was kind enough,but then i was kinda 'bu hao yi shi' to be there...
Aaaa~ At last my phone's camera was back to normal... Here's some photos,I'll let the caption to do the talking deh.
Here's some photos for Pin,I took them when he was having his keropok,he have got different facial expression while having his keropok duh...
Siok Sendiri
Well,we did chat alot while we were having our dinner duh... We then went upstairs to search for something interesting to entertain all of us... And we found this abnormal,yet super-sized poker card,hahahahaaaa!
See how bit is it?? If you can't,try to compare it with the size of the tile (just ignore the leg)
If you still can't imagine how big is it from the previous photo,i think you can observer how big is it from this photo duh... LOLX
William's explaining the rule for the game duh...
This game is all about luck,each person take turn to take their cards,determine what card you've got in your hand,different card with different function. Pick a card,the number on the card allows you to order anyone of the participant to drink water,the number of glasses depends on the number of the card that you've got...
Perhaps I'm just too adorable that everyone pointed on me,i drank for almost 20 cups of plain water if I'm not mistaken... T____T
After the water was finished,we replaced by eating satay duh...
Uhh... After the game,instead of feeling to pee,i was rather feeling that my stomach was full of water... =.="
After that,we went for yum cha somewhere around there...
Heheheee... Know what? Once i reached to the stall for yum cha,suddenly i felt like pee-ing... But we were just on a hawker stall on the roadside,what to do? Hahahaaa,i took a bottle and... Erm,i guess you know what i did next,don't you? XD... But i didn't filled it up,cus i scared it will somehow filled up the bottle and spilled out as I've got much more to pee... AHAHAHA! So then i just pee into the drain,XD. What a nice experience I've got...
After that,Jeon's parent went to fetch us back,and after having our bath,DoTA right away,hahahaaa~
Pool session~
After that,I've been informed that they've changed their location to KB-Mall...@.@ luckily Pang was also going to KB-Mall,but then he didn't join us for the dinner. Thanks yea Pang,^_^
On the bike...
Meet up with them,and we've decided our restaurant for dinner by using 'lai lai li tan pong' hohohooo~ And McD was the answer,so yeah...
Enjoyed our meal,and we've experienced another time which we single been neglected by those couple,uh oh... It makes me feel kinda moody in the sense of,well... Don't know how to explain the feeling duuh...
After that,we went for billiard,yaaa,AGAIN! By that time,my wallet have got only RM 9++ because of the meal cost me RM11+... Which mean I've only got RM20 by that time,it's because that i haven't claim some of my salary from dad duh,hahaaaa...
Billiard,uh... Epic lost duh,can't really estimate that accurate as i used to be,cus its been weeks that i didn't really touches the cue,even i did,i didn't really stay on the table to get back my feeling,because every time was rushing for parties or whatsoever... That's why can't really get back the feeling which i used to have,LOL! It's not an excuse for losing those game laa,it's that i used to play alot by the time when i was form3,and yeah...
Stupid phone have got problems again,the key-pad still sucks after being repaired,and the camera still sot sot dei... I need to depend on my luck in order to snap photos with my phones,sometimes it can function as normal,sometimes it just can't... That's why didn't snap photos for our billiard session duh...
After that,mom and dad came to fetch me and Jeon,then went to KB-kopitiam for yum cha (cus dad was hungry) Then went home and DoTA. Know what? I was on call while having my DoTA matche'S'. I was on the phone for both the matches wey! And still i could pawn people neh,how pro am i duh... XD
Good luck and all the best for AJ~ Gambateh neh! ^~^
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What a terrific game that was!
Hmm... This post is suppose to be posted by yesterday,but due to the reason that i was soooooo damn freaking tired after having the futsal match,ish... As usual,we went directly to the futsal court right after our Chemistry's tuition class,but this time we have to walk no more,cus they've got bikes to fetch us there which shorten the time for us to reach there and in the same time enable us to have our game started earlier.
Manatau,when we reach there,there was some mistake on the board,it was written that we've booked the court on Thursday?! By right we should have started at 4.30pm,but then the Mak Cik came at 5pm to unlock the shuttle,=__=" wasted our precious time duuh.
Let the game begin~
wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhu~ Yesterday was the most terrific game played in my entire life! Although,its not a world class football match or whatsoever,but i did enjoyed the whole game,that's the main point ^~^
Me,Jeon,Shou,Zi,Jian,Yong were in the same team,and i was so surprised that non of us trying to be selfish neh,we did alot of passing instead of having the ball glued on our leg and having our one-man-show duuuh~
Shou and Jeon did the running and scoring while i did mostly on the assisting job. Our only disadvantage was that we didn't have a standard G.K,=.=" Time flies~ on the last few minutes,the Mak Cik was standing there to ring the bell,and by that time i haven't even scored a single goal as i was mostly on defending position.
It so happen that Eddie(G.K of the opposite team) threw the ball up high towards me,and jeng jeng jeng... I will never forget about this scene,hahahahaaa! I chested the ball down,and speed up,then gave all my strength of the shoot.
I scored the goal and the bell rang immediately after that! It was just like having an equalizer on an EPL match wey! I felt so damn happy for that! Hahahahaaaaa~ We really did enjoyed the whole game,it was our best of the best,hohohooo~
Totally exhausted after the game,but then after taking my bath,i couldn't fall asleep without a reason why... And eventually just slept for 3 hours before going to school on this morning,=.="
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
At last...

Just like this...
Last few days,the connections freaks me out! It was freaking slow! And this kinda shity connection lasted for about 2 weeks,here's some prove for my sucks connection...
Garena's ping,RED sokmo!
(Garena is the programme which i use to play DoTA)
Well,during my revision last few days i was trying to somehow release my tension by having a nice match of DoTA,manatau the connection was just so kns... I have been kicked by every host duh. Worse come to worse,if i couldn't get into DoTA,ok,fine... At least let me to check on my Facebook or maybe search for some videos on YouTube,but it was so slow that it took almost 3-5 minutes just to open the freaking web page,aaaargh! I was soooo damn pissed by that time,seriously...
Thanks god,now the connection's back to normal... ^_^
Anyhow,now I'm done for it... At least i could relax for a few weeks before starting on my revision for the next coming exam duh.What a relief~ Cheeeeeeeerssss~
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Yum Chaa,Yum Seng~
Hmmm... On the 16th of April,we did have a yum cha session at the Hayaki which is nearby my house... Jeon,Yen,K.Pin,Calvin,Liang,S.Ping and H.Hui were already there waiting for me... What was the reason for this outing? Nothing much,as always,talking and chatting! And I'm loving it! Instead of taking photos while we were yum cha-ing,i took some photos while we were on our ride,XD
ADVISE: Both the cameraman and these 3 models were moving with their bikes while taking these photos,please don't try this on the road...(We are well-trained from being in this kind of photo shooting,so yeah)
It's a bird,It's a plane,NOOOO it's car... =.="
To cam whore while on a moving bike is dangerous and difficult you know?!
Fail attempt #1 (Kee Pin's nge tok face)
Fail attempt #2 Aiyaaa,you thought professional won't get mistake on their work meh!
Thanks for sending me home,lolx... Phew,took a bath,turned on the air-cond,and here comes my drink~hohohoo~
We bought half a dozen of this Gin from Ipoh. It's Gin mixed with various kind of flavour from;Oranges to Strawberries...
This one was a mix of Gin,Lime,and Lemon.The moment when it gets down my throat,wow damn chilling! And the taste of the Gin was quite heavy,but the only thing that i weren't that satisfied were,it contain some gasses and it taste just a lil bit too sweet. Beer will be better in compared with this,XD though the alcohol amount for these 2 are almost the same,this Gin is containing 5.7% of alcohol...

This is for my AJ ^_^ My botak botak head duh,^~^

Cheeeeeeeeers all the way~
Friday, April 17, 2009
Botak liao leh tuh...
Well,flashback again uh... As you know,during my last post I've mentioned that I'm already botak on the 9th of April duh. On the 11th of April,i was having my BM's tuition with Mr Gan. And today,he was teaching a poem with a theme on,erm girl shouldn't lost their virginity that easily,or better said as don't get cheated that easily... It so happen that there were a phrase for BM which is something like "if you dreamt a mermaid on your sleep,you will get married sooner or later" Erm,something like this laaa...
The thing was,Mr Gan actually drawn the damn adorably cute mermaid on the board which made everyone LOL-ED!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Im back!!! XD
Let's go to 9th of April... This was also a meaningful day for me oo,cus it was my first time ever to iron my own shirt... Seriously,i have never iron even a small underwear of mine,but instead being hurt by the iron got laa...
I'm holding it!!
I'm using on it!! XP
Ohh... So proud of myself by that time,XD Actually was because mom and dad were rushing to dinner and that's why. I know,you guys might not believe on it,or maybe even wanna smack my head that that was my first time ever to iron my shirt,right right? LOLX,even i wanna slap myself,hohohooo~
11 of April pulak,dad bought a wine chiller back,which he wanted to fit in all his wine into THIS big chiller duh...
Big uh! And its space consuming aaaBut then,with the chiller,these babies won't be homeless anymore,^^
To be continue~
Saturday, April 11, 2009
