19th of April 2009,Sunday...
Well,today... Sejarah sucks me out,the essay section was kinda ok because i still have some of those 'history' stuffed in my brain duh,and what i have inside i gave it all out on it ^^ As for the subjective section,erm let's just skip the part,cus it's nasty uh. I even gave some stupid answer on those questions.
Question: Berikan 2 nama bandar bagi Tamadun Indus.
Answer1: Bandar Iskandar (sounds kinda cool,as if i knew the answer right? But i just hantam saja actually,XD)
Answer2: Bandar Kota Bharu. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Question: Sebutkan hukuman yang diadakan dalam undang-undang Laut Melaka.
Answer: Pesalah akan DITENDANG ke dalam laut.
These were the 2 stupid answers which i gave it stupidly,=.=" Anyhow,it was all over for now,just let it be.heheee...
Hmmm... On the 16th of April,we did have a yum cha session at the Hayaki which is nearby my house... Jeon,Yen,K.Pin,Calvin,Liang,S.Ping and H.Hui were already there waiting for me... What was the reason for this outing? Nothing much,as always,talking and chatting! And I'm loving it! Instead of taking photos while we were yum cha-ing,i took some photos while we were on our ride,XD
ADVISE: Both the cameraman and these 3 models were moving with their bikes while taking these photos,please don't try this on the road...(We are well-trained from being in this kind of photo shooting,so yeah)
It's a bird,It's a plane,NOOOO it's car... =.="
To cam whore while on a moving bike is dangerous and difficult you know?!
Fail attempt #1 (Kee Pin's nge tok face)
Fail attempt #2 Aiyaaa,you thought professional won't get mistake on their work meh!
Thanks for sending me home,lolx... Phew,took a bath,turned on the air-cond,and here comes my drink~hohohoo~
We bought half a dozen of this Gin from Ipoh. It's Gin mixed with various kind of flavour from;Oranges to Strawberries...
This one was a mix of Gin,Lime,and Lemon.The moment when it gets down my throat,wow damn chilling! And the taste of the Gin was quite heavy,but the only thing that i weren't that satisfied were,it contain some gasses and it taste just a lil bit too sweet. Beer will be better in compared with this,XD though the alcohol amount for these 2 are almost the same,this Gin is containing 5.7% of alcohol...

Drinking it while having a DoTA match,what an ideal choice,i would try it next Thursday duh!
This is for my AJ ^_^ My botak botak head duh,^~^
This is for my AJ ^_^ My botak botak head duh,^~^

Cheeeeeeeeers all the way~
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