Alohaaa~ that day I was saying about a friend of mine which have just came back from Australia,remember?? Well,on Thursday we went out for dinner with him again,since there's free meal,why not?? XD ngek ngek ngek!!
Supposing that our dinner should be held at P.C.B,which is somehow a special place to go. I mean,in compared with Sri Cheng Mai,it's waaaaaay more better to have our BBQ on the beach while enjoying the scenery,listening to the tidal wave which hits the shore,how nice!! But instead,his plan somehow changed to SRI CHENG MAI!! Which is a restaurant yang ditanggung HALAL!! Which means,NO PORK! Uh...
By right,Jeon was supposed to phone and inform me to go to his house,as we were planning to go for a swim at KGCC,and our plan was at 6p.m,and guess what? After my nap,it was almost 7pm,and my lovely JEON,haven't give me a single phone call,and I think you guys know what do that means,right?? I WAS NEGLECTED!! What a big aeroplane by Mr.Yap... =_____________="
But still,we have lotsa fun chatting over with each other... What's next? Yum Chaaaa~ hohoohoO~
For now,transportation isn't a problem for us anymore! As we've got a few of them that are already able to drive,hoho~ Thanks to H.Yong,W.Shyuan,H.Shou,and C.Cheng for fetching us to Oriental-Kopitiam wey~ ^_^
We were discussing whether which kopitiam to go to duh,hoho~
We occupied almost half of the kopitiam duh,hohoooO~
We did enjoy crapping with each other there,we're so happy as if we've just finish up our SPM,padahal?? =__=
After that,we then went to Wen's house to continue our undone business,Hohoo~
9 of us were trying to stuffed into Cheng's kelisa... Cool huh??
Wuish,got back home at around 1.30AM wey,ish ish... Well,gonna sleep for now,nitezz people ^^
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