Damn it!! H1N1 is threatening people around the globe! And even now Kelantan have got a few cases of it,how shit is that. Let's put aside on the H1N1 thingy,now that lotsa people are having flu,running nose and some sort of symptom of H1N1,but then let's hope for the best... Now that my school have got lotsa people which are having fever tuh,ish ish ish... The rate absentees must have boosted to the top I guess...
Well,I was feeling f*cking sick right now... I'm currently feeling hot internally,chilling externally,sneezing,slight coughing and also headache... This kinda feeling sucks me out! Now that I'm having some cooling thingy on my forehead tuh...
Besides,drank some kinda Panadol thingy that dissolve in water instead of swallowing it...
God bless me,and also you guys who are currently having fever or sickness tuh...
p/s: No school for tomorrow again~ Weeeee~ Cheeeeeeeers
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