At last! I've finally got my licence P!!! It was almost a week after passing my driving test. I got it on Friday and all I was thinking was to test drive mom's car,so I showed it to her,she said " Where's the P sticker for the car"
I was like =____="

So then I've got the P sticker from Zi's shop but still mom doesn't seems to have the idea of letting me to drive,jeeezz... I just can't wait to steer a automatic functioned vehicle!!
Ah TE! Know that you're kinda moody lately,and you haven't manage to tell me what's wrong with you,yet! Come on,Cheer up weh! =)
Oh oh,and AJ! Get well soon weh! =D
i gt 2 wait until after NS la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! Hahahaaa... Forgotten bout your NS weh. Hey Hee,since when you've become soooo cruel weh? Kill me some more?! =0
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