Here am I again,at Yang's house to online =)
I found it very annoying being unable to online whenever I wanted to,especially by the time I've got lotsa ideas in my head on what suppose to be blogged. Due to this,whenever I'm trying to blog something,I just couldn't write the whole detail of it,this is sooo bad for me duh...
Anyhow,last weekend Yong brought us to have dinner at a restaurant named William's mamak at Kelana Jaya. At first we were like " HAR?! Is this the right place,Yong?? " . Reason why was because that the restaurant didn't look as well as what we had expected earlier.Yong told us that this restaurant is sooo popular that they have their own official website,and s0me more they are even available on GPS system,awww!
While we were ordering our drinks,Yong ordered only 3 glasses of drink and 4 different main dish,he told us that it was going to be more than enough for the 6 of us, I was like " Are you sure?! "
When the drinks were served to us...
These were our main dishes~
After all these dishes,we were still discontented and ended up ordering another plate of cheese nun!
After our meal,we then hoped into Yong's car and headed to The Curve.
Here are some of the photos taken...
Instead of words,this post contain more photos as you can see. These are all the photos taken in only one single day duh... We dearly enjoyed our day,thanks to everyone!
Oh,aside from all these exciting and fun moments,we did have our breathtaking moment too. There was once that me,Yang,Jeon,Yen and Yong were on our way back home from dinner. While Yong was driving on the highway,what I saw was a motorcycle which was out of it's control,came towards our side and just fell on to the road! It happened in just split seconds,everyone of us was stunned as we thought we might be the one who did wrong.
Luckily,there was nothing to do with us. The reason why they fell was because they were rushing their way to get their shirts from the laundry and somehow lost their control...
Phew~ That was my first time to witness such a close-up accident weh...
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