MAI GOD! This is actually the 300th post of mine after blogging for so long! Started writing my very first blog post which since year 2008 during the end of October, and that was almost 2 years back from now!Wow, time really flies... Never realized this until I saw the notice on my blogger's profile page duh.
Well, this will be a short one thanks to my economics presentation which is tomorrow... So basically this post is specially dedicated to my presentation for tomorrow I guess, yeah...
Hope this won't happen tomorrow while I'm talking in front...

Well, I did screw my presentation once during sem1, I hope it will be something different by tomorrow, please don't fail me my lord, bless me instead~ :) Good thing that I'll only have to present in class rather than presenting towards the public which I feel way better, anxious still...
Dang! I'm starting to get nervous by now!
Time to get back to my rehearsal, wish me luck peeps! ;D
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