Well, just realized that I was WRONG earlier, saying that I'm actually freed from assignments. The fact is, I still have my one and only left assignment that wasn't done until a few minutes ago. THAT was indeed a very last minute work which consist of almost everything that I've learnt throughout the whole semester.
But am sure all of us did the same last minute work :) Its portfolio man, who cares huh?
Hmm.. This post is bit late, but still :) Lately I've been talking about hardcore study... hardcore study...In fact, I started 2 weeks ago sudah, jeng jeng jengggg...
Okay, now that I have my study group session in a class room, but earlier before have no better place to go but to study at one of the cafeteria in Taylor's (how sad)
Somehow that was somewhat special for me though :P
*Pssst* I did something illegal :X
Okay, in fact we did... Got ourselves some FOC punya maggie cup from the cafeteria as the door was WIDE open that time. Tempted~
Oh ya, ngam ngam the next day was Eva's birthday, hohohoo... I bet that was her best ever prior birthday experience weh! XD
Had lotsa fun with you people lately (you know who you are), thanks for the day :)
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