Know what? My foundation is coming to an end and I've already started to miss those people in the class! We had much fun together and it has got more fun when it comes to semester 3!
Why would things get better its because we have outings together every single week and its awesomely FUN! Thursday's BBQ session at Shan Min's place was definitely the most memorable day for the class, am pretty sure of that.
We started of the day with 2 hours of class which I guess everyone couldn't really pay attention (as usual)
Later on its time for badminton session! That was the first ever time of mine joining the classmates for badminton session, hoho... Nice way to sweat indeed, but still I prefer futsal more XD
Some camwhore session after a good taste of sweat :D
Since non of us know the way to Shan Min's house, the best solution is to gather everyone in Taylor's and a person with GPS will lead the way, that's how things work :D
But the problem was...
But the problem was...
We have got 9 FREAKING drivers with their own cars, each with only one or two fella in it. Well, it was memang difficult to have 8 cars tailing each other with the car in the very front, but for some reasons, we did
Group pictures prior departure to Cheras!
It was all fun, having 9 cars with the hazard lights on, blinking the double signals, honking like nobody's business as if we were heading for a wedding ceremony or something, hoho!
Well, not-so-fun until we got 2 cars out of the 9 banged into each other =,=
Guess what, I was in the car that was been banged!
Non to be blame because it was raining rather heavy by that time. The braking system didn't really work well, Man, was actually in Vye Tsen's car and it skidded when he stamped on the brake paddle, and yeah *bang* from behind by Adam.
Both car were severely damaged (Adam's more) but the most important thing was that non was injured or whatsoever, thanks god~
Well, the story was kinda long so I'll just skip pass the notsohappy part then :)
p/s: but that's what makes it a memorable day am sure :P
After spending almost an hour dealing with that incident, eventually everyone arrived safely to Shan Min's place and yay! PARTAY~
The girls' defrosting the frozen hotdogs and stuffs...
We even invited our special guest Mr David Ong ( Accounts tutor ) :D
For the first time our class is so soooo united that everyone turned up, even the ex-tutor of ours! XD Had lotsa fun chatting around, and Shan Min's parent were very kind and lovely that they can even mingle with us by joining into our conversation, that's cool! :D
Couldn't really take much pictures outdoor cus the quality of my phone camera is just way too cacat...
It was gamble time!
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