Out of nowhere, *BANG* shit could just happen in split seconds, like seriously! =X
Was doing out at the living and suddenly *PIANG* (a sound from the bedroom) Stunned and wondered for a few seconds, but still Ignored and continue to be glued in front of the lappie, ishh...
When Yang went in the the room and shouted...
*SIEW, your bottle of hair conditioner topple dah!* And I was like... " OH F*CK!*
Rushed into the room and saw a pool of blueish fluid and it was like eww...
Morale of the story- move your heavy ass when you heard some voice that came out from the room, especially when it sounds sort of a toppled bottle of uncapped conditioner =___________________="
Another shit was bout the florescent tube in the toilet that was blinking like nobody's business... Instead of buying a new tube, Yang figured out this awesome idea which was...
Replacing the one in the toilet with the one in front of our house door (which we rarely switch on) Brilliant kan? :)
Oh ya, found something interesting on the other day when I went to have lunch in the new restaurant within our campus, it was called the Mekong House...
The food was just so so, but what I found interesting was their Menu which looked pretty unique.

Yea... Revised one full chapter of Econs today, happy for that but not as satisfied tho =S
Me want futsal!! WHY LA CANCEL!!! @#$%^&*
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