Its been a while since I last got pissed up till a limit which is beyond GODLIKE! Yes, yesterday was the moment when I almost got my mind blew after some argument which I don't think it was even necessary -,-
Anyhow, thunder storm subsided and then sunny day came about time :)
Finally I was able to say 'YES' to the fruithead who've actually asked me to join him for futsal session since the past few months =X Was expecting for something interesting and fun, but it turned out other wise. It was rather the suckiest futsal session that I've ever had! When it comes to futsal and football, I just get a lil bit more emotional, so yeah =3
p/s: My sincere apology to Shan Min's brother who I shot him down with a powerful volley when I was damn frustrated with their attitude, it was an accident tho =X
After that, came home and rest for a while then Jeon called up for movie session in One-U, wheeeeee :)

Dinner then reached home and we started DoTA... 4 wins out of 4 yo, wualalaaa~
Its the 400th advanced level of 'free me' which I managed to solve it after some 20 minutes =/ Well the morale of the story is actually written on the tittle :D
Night peeps!
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