Well well... Here's a special dedication to someone who meant something to me, something good of course ... Am pretty sure YOU should know who you are when you're actually looking at this ;)
Lecture hall was the first very first place we met and you were just as ordinary as the others. For some reason, we became friends under a pretty much unusual occasion when it was 3 in the morning. Special day it was indeed, to meet up a total stranger at a complete unfamiliar place in the middle of the night, don't you think? :)

As time goes by, something changed and it was something that I would rather want it to be undiscovered and remained the same. Somehow I wasn't able to get hold of it and that was the time when things had thoroughly changed... Guess am just not a good actor, eh?
Up till now, the answer that I have been looking for, remain untold. To be honest, it doesn't feels good to be left with a big question mark up on my head for all these while... Maybe you've tried to hint for the reply, but it just wasn't obvious enough, or was it?
2 times, and both answers were utterly explained, without the reason behind the answers. Anyhow, respect is always the virtue :)

Well, I may not THAT geng to actually come up with a pageful of Chinese written post, but still I can 小写一两句, 呵呵 :D
虽然, 写了一大堆有的没的(其实也不算有的没的啦)... 可是最重要的是你看了, 至少也会笑下, 好吗? 不过说回来, 我们认识了也快一年了,真的有够快咯!! 你都还没请我吃饭叻!! XO
不管怎样, 如果有开心或不开心的都记得要 share 下, 我会是你很好的听众 :D 讲真的, 也很久没看见你的noob 脸, 是有点想念的 Hahaaa! 好啦, 华语烂, 不多写了...
A very special post, to a very special friend (HOHOO)
Spongebob, special enough? :)
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