Tuesday, March 6, 2012

my boy

6th of March 2012, Tuesday...

Every now and then I've been saying bout my big boy Benny. The thing, I don't think I've posted enough photos of him, only words, which aren't enough show how cute and adorable he actually is :D

This bigfatboy has got his way to make us laugh as well as to make us mad,有时候真的是又爱又恨 hahaaa! Some pictures taken few days back when he was doing what he does best.

Mom cooked dinner for us few days back and the leftovers were given to him as his supper. Okay, those weren't actually leftovers, that word itself sounds very yucky to given as supper =/

when it comes to meal time, this is how his face looks like XO


And this is what happened 2 days back after his bath..

bits and pieces of tissue papers all over the floor!



What actually happened was that he got too excited and then grabbed the toilet roll down and started his mass-destruction plan... WHICH, was then halted when mom went into the kitchen, HAHAAAAAAAAA!
Well normally that happens most of the times after his bath, he just couldn't contain himself, I guess?

Awesome master with awesome dog, that's how awesome he is :D

More epic moments of this fatty bom-bom to be posted, stay tunned!

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