Saturday, January 23, 2010

Determination failed!!

23rd of January 2010,Saturday...

Hmm... First,happy birthday to Theng,may all your wishes come true and have a blast weh ^^

Well,today is the second day that I've been having my supper! It's been sooooooooo long that I WAS so determine to refrain myself from taking in those heavy duty supper which will gain me nothing beneficial but F.A.T.S! Aaaaah... But the thing was,these 2 days I had my "dinner" on around 5pm++ which is freaking early in compared to the time when I usually have my dinner. It was like 2-3 hours earlier than usual weh!

At first,I was mentally strong enough to stop myself from having supper,but while I was having my DoTA in the middle of the night,gosh! Things gone so wrong,I just can't continue to starve myself,that's tormenting!!! I need foodS!!!

Ended up having some half packet of a nasi lauk for yesterday and a packet of nasi lemak for my damn bloody supper! Good news for me that tomorrow will be going for dinner with friends at around 7pm,it is expected to be quite heavy,so I'm just gonna starve myself for a couple of hours before I could have a feast during the dinner,muahahahahahahaaaa~


henghee said...

ask u to come to my 打工 de place 2 take slimming course u dun wan.........

BanaNA said...

LOL!! takda $$