Tired duuuh! Woke up early in the morning and went to find Cheah Wearn for some,counseling? Hohooo... Actually we were there to ask for some information regarding our education in the near future. After bout an hour,it was my time to go for futsal,which I had been waiting for a long long time!
But thing gone nasty once I were there... While we were stretching ourselves up,shit happened! My ankle was somehow dislocated due to my false landing while I was trying to jump for the ball,duuuh... Stupid laa,the game haven't even started and yet I got myself injured. There's nothing much I could do duh,just continue the play grudgingly ugh...
Apart from that,things got even worse when I could barely "walk" on the field. First,got a powerful shot on my abdominal,then another shot on the ass and last but not least,a killer shot on my B A L L S!! All these shots were delivered by the same person,=_=" I've got no idea what have I done to deserve all this shits!
At first it wasn't that hurt(my ankle i mean),but then once I've reached home,awww~ Get even nastier,it's like my ankle has somehow unattached with my foot,jezzz... That's freaking PAIN to even step on the ground,you know?! And now I just realised it's already swollen!

No more driving lesson for tomorrow duh,barely able to walk,how am I suppose to step on the clutch tomorrow, T___T
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