After a few days of hard work contributed on my stupid business accounting, at last I'm done with my mid-term, and that's a some relief duh...
Well, good thing for me that I managed to finish the one hour paper which I didn't expect to finish it on time duh. Although the answer wasn't the same with those pros in accounting, but most of us got the different answer as well, so just screw it. What's done is done, no points in grieving aite~ Anyway, had fun on that very day right after the paper...
Went to One-U for lunch session, and watched DEVIL...

Oh, John Son brought his girlfriend along for movie for the very first time. The girlfriend(sorry, forgot ten the name) was kinda shy when she first saw the whole gang of us duh, but no worries, 2.2 is always friendly :D
Was then forced by Shi Kian Wee to go for steamboat session for dinner. Initially I was kinda lazy to join them, but somehow I changed my mind after being persuaded by that stupid Kiwi =,=
As expected, the steamboat wasn't nice though I managed to fill up my tummy =( But the fun part actually happened after our dinner. Huge credits to Richard who was supposed to guide us to I-City but ended up lost in some don'tknowwhere punya highway, LOL... I bet Vye Tsen and Joel enjoyed themselves a lot in Richard's car XD
Okay, here's something fail about me lately, again... There was this one day, due to some reasons, I have to settle my dinner all ALONE in the hostel ( so sad huh... ) Instead of eating alone in the cafeteria, I would rather get something to eat in my room =/
I wanted to have something hot, so Maggie-Cup would be the best choice of all, besides it can be easily get from the vending machine within the campus itself.
So there I went to the vending machine, inserted the notes and pressed the code for my Maggie-Cup. Here comes the fail part... Guess what? I couldn't get it out from the machine itself =,= I even called one of my friend for helped. God, it took me at least 15 minutes to figure out the right way to get that thing out...
Passersby stared at me and I looked like as if I am a retarded monkey that was trying to steal something from the darn vending machine...
Yet another FAIL.COM of mine... ==
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