I was once impressed just by looking at the external of Taylor's lakeside campus, I was amazed by the designed, truly... As I get myself into the premise itself, it is just 'so-so' actually, a lot of paint job are just half done even by now, and I don't see they have any further intention to get it done anyway =,=
Back in July, when the hostel was so called "finally DONE" . I was kinda proud and glad to be the first guy who will be staying in the brand new room as it was still fresh. Once I've moved in, I was satisfied with the room, but not for the facilities. Nothing was done in the premises for we students except for our units to stay. No laundry, no restaurant, no wi-5, practically nothing was inside!!
For now, I can still see things and stuffs scattered around the walkway and corridor outside my unit...
Last 2 weeks, there was one notice on the toilet door saying something regarding the clothes that we students hanged on the windows and also the living room in our unit.
Hello??!! Are you dumb or just stupid Taylor's?? You never provide any washing machine and yet you told us that we were given the choice to either hand wash our own clothes or send it to the laundry which located within the campus which is effing costly! 4 bucks for 1 KG, 你不去抢?! Fine, so now you gave a warning saying that hanging clothes on the window is strictly prohibited, so where are we suppose to hang them? In our room?! YOU NUTS?!
Worse comes to worst, last few days when I was homed, AGAIN, another notice on the door. This time it says something about rectification works in my unit's bathroom. Guess what?! No water supplies for 17th of September, which will be tomorrow!! @$%€^+&
Having no class for tomorrow morning, but thanks to the rectification work shit, I have to wake my ass up before 9a.m just to have myself to be washed up! Screw you Taylor's!
Okay... Time to cease fire on how sucky is Taylor's management == or else it will be bad for tomorrow's visit to those kids in the disabled home, must spread some loveee duh~ [will have more updates regarding my visit on the disabled home on the next post ]
Cheers :)
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