Hey, T.G.I Weekend people!! Awesome weekend spent with no grievance- SATISFIED :D
It has been a weekly routine of going to Yen's place on every weekend you see, so yeah same thing for this week. What was different this round was that we have got 2 other kawan Kelantan who came all the way from Kelantan as our special guest- Jie and Pin.
Supposedly, we should be tour-guiding the both of them by driving all around KL, but toooooo bad as Yong's car wasn't available by that time, SAD case. Ended up going to pyramid, and T.G.I Friday for dinner, still we enjoyed :)
Oh god, ever tried of ordering foods regardless about how expensive they are?? I just did, and the feeling was just splendid =X This couldn't be done if Jie wasn't the one who paid for the meal... :D Many thanks!
Well, it was his birthday on the next day and in case if you don't know, T.G.I Friday do have their very own way of celebrating birthday with their customers. It was pretty cool to get almost EVERY workers in the restaurant to celebrate with us. Even the chefs came out and join the fun! :D
After that, it was their turn to sing songs for us and they were just awesome! They seriously made up my day although it was just a few simple songs...
Time for the bill~
Oh! Almost forgot, the brownies they served as the birthday cake was <3>
Planned for movies, but semua sold out :(
So... Went back home and that is when we started our DoTA spree!
But first...
We started our first game at about 12am and guess what? Without even realizing the time, we finished our last game when the sun raised up high at 7am, AWW~ We were too hyped up, that's why...
This is how 7 of us fit ourselves on a queen size bed and a 'barely' single size mattress...
So its Sunday! Woke up at around 2 and all of us stoned for hours before going for our dinner at Yuan's steamboat restaurant which they are famous with their legendary chicken wing, mmm...
Here is what I witnessed with both of my eyes on how barbarian can we human sometimes be, especially when it comes to food... 民以食为天 aittte :D
First, They wait...
Then, they grab like some refugees who starved for more than a week...
Was freaking full and we had a walk back to our place. What's more to be done after that? DoTA time!!!
It was Sunday and we'll be having class at 8am on the next day, but who cares... Still, we finished our game when the clock ticked at 5.30am... Insane heh? Me like XD
Enjoyed my weekend though I just slept for not more than 8 hours, hohohooo~
Of course, I enjoyed every single DoTA matches as well :P
Okay, time to tidor for now... Long long post eh... Night peeps!!
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