GOSH, 2010 is coming to an end ei??!! In just less than 24 hours more to go and its going to be a brand new year for a brand new start :D
Am sure that everyone of us have got our very own resolutions for the very new 2010, so do I :) Well, one of my major goals was achieved this year and I would like to have AT LEAST another successful one in 2011.
2010 is certainly one the the best year that I would really miss for the upcoming days of my life, that's for sure... Had pretty much of my 'first time' during this awesome year~
Stepping my foot into college life is probably the best memories that I cherish the most... Spent almost half of my entire 2010 with my beloved collegemates, there had been ups and downs that I wish time would somehow allow us to spend more with each others. 4 more weeks and its time for us to go for our very own separate ways... :'(
Somehow changed my plan, was supposed to have photos on this post, but I think I'll just save them for the best, not now :)
Happy new year people, let's have some party going on all night long! WHEEEEEE~
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