Just when I thought my Saturday would be a boring one when everybody has their own business to take care of, it wasn't that bad when the plan actually worked out pretty well :)
Wanted to watch Pirates of the Caribbean at first, but there wasn't any tickets left so Paul was the alternative choice...

Not bad, if you're looking for a comedy film regardless of the rapid usage of vulgarities throughout the movie. Paul is definitely a good choice! Damn am amazed with some the words that they used, how rude! :/
After movie session, its time to shop! Bought myself two shorts which I've always been lacking of. Awesomeness to the max!!
Yong came to join us after a short while and we had a hard time just by deciding where to actually go, LOL...
Finally Chatime was the decision of all :) So there goes my virginity for Chatime, HOHOOO~

Ish... Gayness~

Well, the drinks that we tried were nice but still I don't understand about the obsession that so many people are having towards it @,@ Maybe am just not that fancy with these kinda drink I guess, Hmm...
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