Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nerd mode stimulated yo~

18th of June 2011, Saturday...

You know, its been quite a while since I last heard or saw people saying things like these to me...

" Update your blog laaa... "

" Eh Boon, why never update your blog!! "

And it so happened that the fella Vincent Ho Vye Tsen asked me that, so yeah... Here I am, updating my post SPECIALLY for you, be proud ;)

Have been nerding for the past 2 weeks... Final WAS two weeks away from me, and now its just less than TWO days away from me, omgwtfBBQ!!

As I said, nerd...

And nerd...
Nerding even when am with my laptop, aww~

HAHAHAAAA... Well honestly I didn't get myself THAT nerd la, I do slack a lot as well... Besides, yesterday's outing with the gang to Snowflake was pretty fun, enjoyed the moment that we share together talking and crapping around :D

Guess all the hardwork is worth for the end product eh :) Study hard and smart for now, play EVEN harder after that XD

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