First of all, I think I should give myself a big round of applause *clap clap* HEHEEEEEEE
Guess I just broke my personal sleeping record, not in the sense of the amount of time that I slept, its the actual time that I actually wake up :D Slept at 4 in the morning and woke up around 2 in the noon, pretty cool righttt... :o
Lately am kinda stressed up even if its just week 2 of the semester by now... Why??? For the entire week, lecturers of all subjects have been briefing us with the requirement for the assignments. Not to mention about all the back to backs due date which is really a pain in the ass. Well, this happens every semester when we were all worried about assignments, but eventually there is always a way of dealing with it :)
Apparently, all the lecturers and tutors are all good... EXCEPT for one! I think most of the people think the same. Knowledge wise, she's all good and I have no doubt in that sense. Thing is, the way she presented her slides may not be AS interesting, okay honestly it was rather boring when she failed to amuse us with her jokes. Okay, she tried, I know... So yeah =X
Whats actually on the other way round, is that my OB tutorial is actually by far the best class that I've ever had!! Given Ms Suzan who she was my tutor for Management last sem, it is indeed a bliss to have her teaching! :D (tho she could be kinda bitchy when it comes to assignments and presentations tho)
Just had the first class on Wednesday and it was awesome blossom! As usual, she never failed to make us laugh when its the right time to chill around. And and the simple drama session that we had during class was pretty interesting as well :3
Earlier that day, the roommate was preparing himself before he made his way to the girlfriend in Wangsa Maju. Its pretty often to see this happens and if it does, it could only be one reason on why is he dressing up, making himself looks so nice ;)
It shows how much this fella cares about his girlfriend, its good to see... Really =)
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