Monday, August 22, 2011

What a day...

22nd of August 2011, Monday...

Today was all good until the time before we started our futsal session...

Lecture today was pretty interesting tho I have to suck up a bit too much of info for today's topic. Well still have to deal with that when final comes, so yeah... Other than lecture, BC tutorial was kinda fun when we have a few interesting activity to work on.

Honestly, during tutorial my mind was all about assisting the ball to the mate to score, smashing the ball into the back of the net blah blah... Everything in my head was about futsal for that entire 2 hours of class =X

Here comes a lil bit of drama before we get our match started... Had quite a big argument with the friend, which was pretty hilarious for me. He was the one who couldn't really control his temper after I hung up on his phone without saying. When he saw me in coming into the court, he was so furious that he came out and started pushing me and started to grumble and yell at me, LOL

The funny part of it was, we looked as if we were gonna start a fight (tho I was just standing there talking with the fucked up look) but then he calmed down for about 2 mins, and came to talk to me after listening to the reason why I did that, truly EPIC moment of the month! HAHAHAAAA!

Enough for the funny bit, now its time to apologies to the bro who he missed his train to get home just because of my late confirmation... Sincerely, I was feeling guilt and I still am. Sorry bro =((

Okay, time to get to bed now, stupid phone is still not working! I need pics to be displayed and shared laaaaa! @ # $ ! % ^ & * ?~

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