11th of September 2012, Monday...
Semester 4 starts, which means I'm just one sem away from my internship, YAY!! Initially having some tough time choosing and sorting out on things here and there. But after some time now, glad that its somehow settled, well the beginning part of all at least.
So yea, the moment when my result was released about 2 weeks ago, I was still having my not-so-holiday's vacation mood at granny's place. That was some anxious moment of truth when I opened up the result's folder... The good news was, I passed everything which I though I would have failed one of the subjects. The bad news was, my GPA and CGPA dropped drastically, teruk like hell! Thank god mom and dad weren't too disappointed, but I was kinda upset, no doubt =(
Well, new semester, new timetable, new faces(not really). And speaking of new timetable, I'm really having a shitty one. 4 and a half hours of break for Tuesday and 6 hours break between classes for both Wednesday and Thursday! Now tell me what am I suppose to do on those hours =S
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Taylor's you b*tch!
23th of August 2012, Thursday...
Damn Taylor's for not releasing our results after so so long, YET! Don't you guys from the examination center realize that most of the students are still waiting and wanting to know the result so badly?! Not mainly because we wanted to know how good did we do, but to know whether are we gonna get a resit for the last paper that we all (I supposed) screwed up..
I even brought my textbook back for that very subject just in case if I really fail =/ So happened that am just about 1 week away from the commencement of my new sem and still, worrying much without any preparation in advance made -,-
Been a while since mom, dad and I last had time to spend together because of bro's work and his master degree.. So yea, Raya break was the time to have some bonding session :)
Initial plan, to KL to meet up bro, to granny's place at Perak and back to Kelantan for another one week before new sem starts. Everything went according to plan until when I received an announcement from Taylor's asking to be back by 28th and 29th for some important talk regarding on internships. That means I have my holiday period cut short just to go back for some talks will be one freaking week before semester starts!!! Man, luckily I didn't buy my flight ticket earlier or else I would have to burn it, just like that >:|
Taylor's, you're memang good at bothering your students with shits after shits!
Damn Taylor's for not releasing our results after so so long, YET! Don't you guys from the examination center realize that most of the students are still waiting and wanting to know the result so badly?! Not mainly because we wanted to know how good did we do, but to know whether are we gonna get a resit for the last paper that we all (I supposed) screwed up..
I even brought my textbook back for that very subject just in case if I really fail =/ So happened that am just about 1 week away from the commencement of my new sem and still, worrying much without any preparation in advance made -,-
Been a while since mom, dad and I last had time to spend together because of bro's work and his master degree.. So yea, Raya break was the time to have some bonding session :)
Initial plan, to KL to meet up bro, to granny's place at Perak and back to Kelantan for another one week before new sem starts. Everything went according to plan until when I received an announcement from Taylor's asking to be back by 28th and 29th for some important talk regarding on internships. That means I have my holiday period cut short just to go back for some talks will be one freaking week before semester starts!!! Man, luckily I didn't buy my flight ticket earlier or else I would have to burn it, just like that >:|
Taylor's, you're memang good at bothering your students with shits after shits!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
great companies, awesome view...
13rd of August 2012, Monday...
After staying home without much socialization, yesterday and the day before had some well spent time after getting out from the house to get some catching up session with the high school mates.
The first night was a nice. Birthday celebration dinner for a friend along with the bunch. Good to see friends gathering together with the bonding session going on. Had a great night and somehow the next day was better.
Had dinner with parents and their close friends as usual. Then off we head to the beach after knowing that there was going to be rain of shooting stars! Well, tho it was just a few of them flew by with each having at least 15 minutes to about half an hour apart from another.

We were there, by the shore, laying down there with our eyes looking up into the sky with the beautiful view of the stars up above. It was my very first time to actually spend time looking over the sky and everything seems so well without any distraction and burden... That feeling was so strong that I wish I could stay there a lil bit longer.
That was the first time in my life that I witness shooting stars flew by right in front of my eyes.
How much I wish someone that is dear to me will be just right next to me the next time when I witness another shooting star flying by...
Thursday, August 9, 2012
No where's better but home
9th of August 2012, Thursday...
Been more than a week after my break and I'm still pretty much enjoying. Sometimes I don't have to always be outside hanging with my buddies to enjoy, staying home with the family and having more interaction with them can be a great way to enjoy as well. Well for me at least it is :)
Weather's been sucky lately. Sometimes it rains, but most of the time its freaking humid and warm, and that has really got the body system go haywire. Been sneezing rapidly , randomly.. Worse was yesterday's headache, that pain in the head was some real shit that I could hardly get my rest even after my tiring futsal session.
Well, still finding my way to transfer pictures from my phone.. And soon am gonna share some for what I've been missing out for that entire 2 months, so stay tune ;)
Back to work~
Been more than a week after my break and I'm still pretty much enjoying. Sometimes I don't have to always be outside hanging with my buddies to enjoy, staying home with the family and having more interaction with them can be a great way to enjoy as well. Well for me at least it is :)
Weather's been sucky lately. Sometimes it rains, but most of the time its freaking humid and warm, and that has really got the body system go haywire. Been sneezing rapidly , randomly.. Worse was yesterday's headache, that pain in the head was some real shit that I could hardly get my rest even after my tiring futsal session.
Well, still finding my way to transfer pictures from my phone.. And soon am gonna share some for what I've been missing out for that entire 2 months, so stay tune ;)
Back to work~
Friday, August 3, 2012
Hey guys, I'm back :)
Used to be saying how much I've abandoned my blog every so often when it was just after a week or so without any updates. This time around, its not just about weeks, its about months! Been more than two months since the last time I've visited my own page and I even I couldn't believe that =/
Honestly speaking, I really didn't know what was the true reason for me to actually neglect my blog for months. Maybe I DO know, but then its gonna be one hell of a long-winded crappy explanation, so might as well just forget about it. After all here I am, doing what I used to do every so often, right? :)
Well, it feels good to get back writing here, really good..
There has been so many ups and downs, highs and lows throughout the passed two months and here I am, healthy still =) Awful shits happened, but awesome shits did as well.
Some highlight moments from the passed two months that I've been through..
1)Got my i-phone, like finally (thanks dad <3>3>
2)Had a super spontaneous road trip to godknowswhere with a BFF till sun rise! (started from 1 in the morning onwards)
3)Got drunk for the first time (puked like mad that I couldn't remember any shit)
4)Went to Zouk for the first time (3 times in total)
5)Felt totally exploited by Shiseido for their stupid product as our assignment! (think Taylor's has part of the responsible as well)
6)Had an unexpected birthday surprise which I thought would be dreadful since it was 3 days before finals :'D
7)Feeling totally screwed for the first time after one final's paper
8)Went up to Genting with the mates after so sooooo long! (that was my first time *ahem*)
Of course it wasn't just that, so much more that I only mentioned those vivid ones that are still in my head :) Here I am back home just a few days earlier and it feels really good to be homed, as always~
One thing that I'm still thinking, the way to actually transfer my photos into my lappie.. hmm
Expect more, who those who feel like revisiting of course :)
Honestly speaking, I really didn't know what was the true reason for me to actually neglect my blog for months. Maybe I DO know, but then its gonna be one hell of a long-winded crappy explanation, so might as well just forget about it. After all here I am, doing what I used to do every so often, right? :)
Well, it feels good to get back writing here, really good..
There has been so many ups and downs, highs and lows throughout the passed two months and here I am, healthy still =) Awful shits happened, but awesome shits did as well.
Some highlight moments from the passed two months that I've been through..
1)Got my i-phone, like finally (thanks dad <3>3>
2)Had a super spontaneous road trip to godknowswhere with a BFF till sun rise! (started from 1 in the morning onwards)
3)Got drunk for the first time (puked like mad that I couldn't remember any shit)
4)Went to Zouk for the first time (3 times in total)
5)Felt totally exploited by Shiseido for their stupid product as our assignment! (think Taylor's has part of the responsible as well)
6)Had an unexpected birthday surprise which I thought would be dreadful since it was 3 days before finals :'D
7)Feeling totally screwed for the first time after one final's paper
8)Went up to Genting with the mates after so sooooo long! (that was my first time *ahem*)
Of course it wasn't just that, so much more that I only mentioned those vivid ones that are still in my head :) Here I am back home just a few days earlier and it feels really good to be homed, as always~
One thing that I'm still thinking, the way to actually transfer my photos into my lappie.. hmm
Expect more, who those who feel like revisiting of course :)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
14th of April 2012, Saturday...
Never before I felt that weak as well when I found myself having both diarrhea and fever, double the pain =/ And I have never felt this great in my life before after almost 20 years of living!! Having been in such a bad situation is more than enough to both mentally and physically torture myself. So tough that I even had illusions(no joke). Every seconds, every minutes just seemed so so slow... Tho, I know there are much more people having way WAY shittier situation that what I was having, well at least I had that in mind all those while.
Without any appetite, I had just 3 slices of bread in 2 days, that was all =O Came the third day when i felt like eating something, that was when I had porridge and some soup for my meal. So weak that I couldn't even walk properly... Everyday I blast the toilet, sleep on the bed, that was my life for the past 3 days ='(
Thanks to a friend of mine who is kind enough to actually cook me a pot of porridge alongside with some veggie when I woke up feeling like eating something. The time that I actually had the appetite and the porridge was just the best ever remedy~
thankiu Bendell!! ;)
Never before I felt that weak as well when I found myself having both diarrhea and fever, double the pain =/ And I have never felt this great in my life before after almost 20 years of living!! Having been in such a bad situation is more than enough to both mentally and physically torture myself. So tough that I even had illusions(no joke). Every seconds, every minutes just seemed so so slow... Tho, I know there are much more people having way WAY shittier situation that what I was having, well at least I had that in mind all those while.
Without any appetite, I had just 3 slices of bread in 2 days, that was all =O Came the third day when i felt like eating something, that was when I had porridge and some soup for my meal. So weak that I couldn't even walk properly... Everyday I blast the toilet, sleep on the bed, that was my life for the past 3 days ='(
Thanks to a friend of mine who is kind enough to actually cook me a pot of porridge alongside with some veggie when I woke up feeling like eating something. The time that I actually had the appetite and the porridge was just the best ever remedy~
Life's hard, even harder when shits are happening... But that caused me to actually come to realize on the importance of ones strong mental strength. Its not something easy to be mastered of, and now I know :)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
7th of April 2012, Saturday...
Bout one week coming back Subang and things went all well both in Uni and home. Pretty much enjoying life still, with all the awesome friends over here :D
Even better when I have got another 2 new housemates who came into the house :D more people means more fun, so yeah...
So there was this day when I had futsal with the gang at 12am which I had a lecture to attend earlier in the morning at 8. Agreed once the friends asked without even thinking twice #ChallengeAccepted. But one thing shitty was about the organizing part. Been calling for almost an hour asking here and there just to get a suitable time for all... Am just so sick and tired of it =.=
Oh ya, that was on Thursday night and technically its already Friday since we played at 12am, so it was "Good Friday" which didn't turn out to be really THAT good for me.
Not talking bout the performance of the game, but there was this one moment when I felt like getting a knock from a truck when I played as the goalkeeper... Got knocked by on of the friends who was 0.1 ton heavy and you can imagine how bad it actually was, eh? What's actually shitty is because I got the knock on the NOSE by the SHIN of that giant friend of mine. BANG!! But surprisingly it didn't bleed immediately after, only when I sneeze, and there was blood =/
Bout one week coming back Subang and things went all well both in Uni and home. Pretty much enjoying life still, with all the awesome friends over here :D
Even better when I have got another 2 new housemates who came into the house :D more people means more fun, so yeah...
So there was this day when I had futsal with the gang at 12am which I had a lecture to attend earlier in the morning at 8. Agreed once the friends asked without even thinking twice #ChallengeAccepted. But one thing shitty was about the organizing part. Been calling for almost an hour asking here and there just to get a suitable time for all... Am just so sick and tired of it =.=
Oh ya, that was on Thursday night and technically its already Friday since we played at 12am, so it was "Good Friday" which didn't turn out to be really THAT good for me.
Not talking bout the performance of the game, but there was this one moment when I felt like getting a knock from a truck when I played as the goalkeeper... Got knocked by on of the friends who was 0.1 ton heavy and you can imagine how bad it actually was, eh? What's actually shitty is because I got the knock on the NOSE by the SHIN of that giant friend of mine. BANG!! But surprisingly it didn't bleed immediately after, only when I sneeze, and there was blood =/
Now I can still feel the pain, hopefully that's not a fractured bone or something in my nose :O
Monday, April 2, 2012
Back to Uni :)
2nd of April 2012, Monday...
3 and a half months I've been staying at home, pampered with foods and love from the parents~
Coming back to Subang after so so long is like having a fresh new start on my Uni life, at least that's what I was expecting all the while during my holidays. Got back to Uni for the first time after so long, and it was really good to see so many new faces around, I don't know why is it so but it just feels right for me :D Of course, getting to meet up those long-lost Uni mates was just great!
Few days back, mom was always mumbling about the fact that I was about to leave home for months before she gets to see me at home =/ Man, I just wish the distance between Kota Bharu and Subang is just 3 hours away from one another, so that they couldn't come to visit me and my bro a lil bit more frequent =(
Oh well, time to get some rest for now, waking up at 6.15am isn't easy when I don't have enough sleep =O
3 and a half months I've been staying at home, pampered with foods and love from the parents~
Coming back to Subang after so so long is like having a fresh new start on my Uni life, at least that's what I was expecting all the while during my holidays. Got back to Uni for the first time after so long, and it was really good to see so many new faces around, I don't know why is it so but it just feels right for me :D Of course, getting to meet up those long-lost Uni mates was just great!
Few days back, mom was always mumbling about the fact that I was about to leave home for months before she gets to see me at home =/ Man, I just wish the distance between Kota Bharu and Subang is just 3 hours away from one another, so that they couldn't come to visit me and my bro a lil bit more frequent =(
Oh well, time to get some rest for now, waking up at 6.15am isn't easy when I don't have enough sleep =O
Thursday, March 29, 2012
mixed feelings
29th of March 2012, Thursday...
When I first knew that I was about to have a big fat 3 and a half month summer break immediately I knew it wouldn't be as long as it seemed to be. Yes indeed, now I have got just less than 3 days to be back to my Uni studying.
Time flies... And I know that very well :O
I must say that I've enjoyed every single day of being here at home with mom and dad. Why? Because it just feels great to be at home, don't you think?? Honestly, I've been missing life over at Subang which is much more exciting to be compared. So basically its just like myself wanting to stay at both different places at the same time =/
Oh well, take a look on my big boy when he was having his bath yesterday, had a tough time getting his butt into the toilet :O
I shall have another post to be up pretty soon :)
When I first knew that I was about to have a big fat 3 and a half month summer break immediately I knew it wouldn't be as long as it seemed to be. Yes indeed, now I have got just less than 3 days to be back to my Uni studying.
Time flies... And I know that very well :O
I must say that I've enjoyed every single day of being here at home with mom and dad. Why? Because it just feels great to be at home, don't you think?? Honestly, I've been missing life over at Subang which is much more exciting to be compared. So basically its just like myself wanting to stay at both different places at the same time =/
Oh well, take a look on my big boy when he was having his bath yesterday, had a tough time getting his butt into the toilet :O
I shall have another post to be up pretty soon :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The magical moment during...
24th of March 2012, Saturday...
During a wedding ceremony, witnessing two individuals coming together under such circumstance, a sacred and meaningful one I would say... Its just so special :'D
It was just THAT lil bit more special when the groom is actually one of the closest cousin bro of mine :)
There you go, some pictures... Didn't take much tho, cus there were quite a few professional cameramen with their DSLRs and those with their I-phones and stuff. Am just too shy to actually showoff my Sony Ericsson in front of them =P
Oh well, as usual we spent some quality time together for that 2 days before bro got back to his work on Monday. I cherish the moments when we were all together chilling in the hotel's living room :'D
During a wedding ceremony, witnessing two individuals coming together under such circumstance, a sacred and meaningful one I would say... Its just so special :'D
It was just THAT lil bit more special when the groom is actually one of the closest cousin bro of mine :)
There you go, some pictures... Didn't take much tho, cus there were quite a few professional cameramen with their DSLRs and those with their I-phones and stuff. Am just too shy to actually showoff my Sony Ericsson in front of them =P
the lovely couple that I love them so SO much!
We come in a full package as well!! (even better if the groom and the bride of the day are in it)
Oh well, as usual we spent some quality time together for that 2 days before bro got back to his work on Monday. I cherish the moments when we were all together chilling in the hotel's living room :'D
Friday, March 16, 2012
This is life :)
16th of March 2012, Friday...
Been very determined, hitting the gym quite frequent these days and when I don't, I'll just stay home running on the treadmill followed by some working out. Inspired I would say, after seeing so many friends with their well-build body and all I need now is time to actually prove myself that am on the right track, and at the same time to make sure that those doubters have their mouths zipped :)
Enough said for those. Now that I've just done packing my stuff for tomorrow's 8 hours drive down to KL to witness what many believe to be one of the most meaningful event... A wedding ceremony of the cousin bro that is :)
Steve and Stephanie
Am hoping this to be an awesome time for our family to actually get some bonding with this opportunity for us to actually be together. But then when bro called up earlier to nag and complain about how stressful he is about his work as well as his study on MBA, that kinda had a blow on our excitement...
Anyhow it is a fact that to study and work at the same time is never gonna be easy, everything is just so rushy and there is almost no chance to actually catch a breather. Stay strong and keep it up bro, all the best and you know very well that we are always here for you :)
Been very determined, hitting the gym quite frequent these days and when I don't, I'll just stay home running on the treadmill followed by some working out. Inspired I would say, after seeing so many friends with their well-build body and all I need now is time to actually prove myself that am on the right track, and at the same time to make sure that those doubters have their mouths zipped :)
Enough said for those. Now that I've just done packing my stuff for tomorrow's 8 hours drive down to KL to witness what many believe to be one of the most meaningful event... A wedding ceremony of the cousin bro that is :)
Am hoping this to be an awesome time for our family to actually get some bonding with this opportunity for us to actually be together. But then when bro called up earlier to nag and complain about how stressful he is about his work as well as his study on MBA, that kinda had a blow on our excitement...
Anyhow it is a fact that to study and work at the same time is never gonna be easy, everything is just so rushy and there is almost no chance to actually catch a breather. Stay strong and keep it up bro, all the best and you know very well that we are always here for you :)
Well well, gonna get some rest and hopefully bro's gonna get better when we meet up together tomorrow night. Everything is just gonna be so fine (I wish)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
So real that I can almost feel
14th March 2012, Wednesday...
Sup peeps! Its been quite a hectic week for me which I just got back from Pulau Redang with some homies. It was a great trip, my first every vacation on an ISLAND was kinda ruined with both the to-and-fro journey. Took us so so much time and was very tiring =/
Well, will update more about the 3 days 2 nights trip soon but for now I've got something else to share on this post :O
Nightmare, I just had one about 7 in the morning. It was so real that I thought I was having it on the reality!! Ever got yourself dreaming in a scene so familiar that it is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY right on the bed and in the room you're sleeping... That was what made it so real, and I almost thought it was...
The dream didn't last long and it so happened that I was on my bed and I what I saw was my attached-bathroom door went closing with some sort of creepy voice and then my entire body went cramp and I just couldn't really move, especially the upper body. I closed my eyes and started to pray within myself. After a few seconds, I got myself feeling a lil bit more relief before I opened my eyes...
The images and the process were so vivid that I could really feel it, and I just couldn't help and think that it wasn't actually a dream... Well, I hope it was =/
Anyway, not gonna think about shits now and just go on and enjoy life :D Stay tunned for the Redang post aite, will post up once I've got all those photos :D
Sup peeps! Its been quite a hectic week for me which I just got back from Pulau Redang with some homies. It was a great trip, my first every vacation on an ISLAND was kinda ruined with both the to-and-fro journey. Took us so so much time and was very tiring =/
Well, will update more about the 3 days 2 nights trip soon but for now I've got something else to share on this post :O
Nightmare, I just had one about 7 in the morning. It was so real that I thought I was having it on the reality!! Ever got yourself dreaming in a scene so familiar that it is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY right on the bed and in the room you're sleeping... That was what made it so real, and I almost thought it was...
The dream didn't last long and it so happened that I was on my bed and I what I saw was my attached-bathroom door went closing with some sort of creepy voice and then my entire body went cramp and I just couldn't really move, especially the upper body. I closed my eyes and started to pray within myself. After a few seconds, I got myself feeling a lil bit more relief before I opened my eyes...
The images and the process were so vivid that I could really feel it, and I just couldn't help and think that it wasn't actually a dream... Well, I hope it was =/
Anyway, not gonna think about shits now and just go on and enjoy life :D Stay tunned for the Redang post aite, will post up once I've got all those photos :D
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
my boy
6th of March 2012, Tuesday...
Every now and then I've been saying bout my big boy Benny. The thing, I don't think I've posted enough photos of him, only words, which aren't enough show how cute and adorable he actually is :D
This bigfatboy has got his way to make us laugh as well as to make us mad,有时候真的是又爱又恨 hahaaa! Some pictures taken few days back when he was doing what he does best.
Mom cooked dinner for us few days back and the leftovers were given to him as his supper. Okay, those weren't actually leftovers, that word itself sounds very yucky to given as supper =/
And this is what happened 2 days back after his bath..
What actually happened was that he got too excited and then grabbed the toilet roll down and started his mass-destruction plan... WHICH, was then halted when mom went into the kitchen, HAHAAAAAAAAA!
Well normally that happens most of the times after his bath, he just couldn't contain himself, I guess?
Awesome master with awesome dog, that's how awesome he is :D
More epic moments of this fatty bom-bom to be posted, stay tunned!
Every now and then I've been saying bout my big boy Benny. The thing, I don't think I've posted enough photos of him, only words, which aren't enough show how cute and adorable he actually is :D
This bigfatboy has got his way to make us laugh as well as to make us mad,有时候真的是又爱又恨 hahaaa! Some pictures taken few days back when he was doing what he does best.
Mom cooked dinner for us few days back and the leftovers were given to him as his supper. Okay, those weren't actually leftovers, that word itself sounds very yucky to given as supper =/
And this is what happened 2 days back after his bath..
What actually happened was that he got too excited and then grabbed the toilet roll down and started his mass-destruction plan... WHICH, was then halted when mom went into the kitchen, HAHAAAAAAAAA!
Well normally that happens most of the times after his bath, he just couldn't contain himself, I guess?
Awesome master with awesome dog, that's how awesome he is :D
More epic moments of this fatty bom-bom to be posted, stay tunned!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Its 29th of Feb!!
29th of February 2012, Wednesday...
A very special day we have here, one occasion, one day, that happens only once every 4 years. For those who were born on this extraordinary date, may you have blessed and awesome one :D But I wonder do you guys really get 4 birthday cakes for this big days of yours? =/

Well, soon and it will be the fresh beginning of a brand new month, like wtfsofast?! Okay at least for me, IT IS PRETTY FAST! That actually mean that I've enjoyed almost 2/3 of my summer break, and it is coming to an end, kinda? Okay maybe 1 month is still consider a long way to go, but am sure with the way that I am living my life right here, right now... Am sure I will come to realize that its just a blink of an eye when time actually come.
Anyhow, am pretty much enjoying my life with my fam, my friends and of course the way I am so determine and inspired everyday with things that am actually doing :)
Happy leap year peeps ;)
A very special day we have here, one occasion, one day, that happens only once every 4 years. For those who were born on this extraordinary date, may you have blessed and awesome one :D But I wonder do you guys really get 4 birthday cakes for this big days of yours? =/

Well, soon and it will be the fresh beginning of a brand new month, like wtfsofast?! Okay at least for me, IT IS PRETTY FAST! That actually mean that I've enjoyed almost 2/3 of my summer break, and it is coming to an end, kinda? Okay maybe 1 month is still consider a long way to go, but am sure with the way that I am living my life right here, right now... Am sure I will come to realize that its just a blink of an eye when time actually come.
Anyhow, am pretty much enjoying my life with my fam, my friends and of course the way I am so determine and inspired everyday with things that am actually doing :)
Happy leap year peeps ;)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Dear Lotto baby...
27th of February 2012, Monday...
Remember this baby of mine?

Never mind if you don't, cus I just didn't know to start this post and thought it would be nice to begin with a question, HAHAAA!
So yea, this is my baby Lotto that we have almost got our 1st year anniversary on this upcoming May... Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen :'(
It was that one day when I was doing what I probably enjoy doing most- futsal. It just happened when I was caught on a challenge from the friend when I was on possession and I just couldn't carry on playing comfortably with the boots on.
When I took off, had a look on it and only to found out...
Man, the reason why I would actually write a post on this pair of particular boots is mainly because this is my first ever futsal boot, my very own one! I have got myself with 2 different pairs when I started to play but both were previously worn by another owner =/ Maybe that's the reason why I love them so much, and they're actually pretty good when it comes to its performance. Quite a number of goals were scored with them and they will be truly be missed :O
Went to the cobbler yesterday and the guy said it is almost COMPLETELY worn out and the only way to save it is actually to change the whole shoe soles which will cost a bomb! So much so that it is enough to actually buy another new pair of boots!! O,O

Fact is, they are still looking good, except when it will be used on a futsal pitch. Still capable to be used as a running shoe when I DO hit the gym :)
Okay, you may think why on earth would I even make such a long post for just a pair of futsal boots eh? True that.. I'm still wondering on the logic behind this XO
Even my boots get a post on my blog, I shall really at least put more than 1 post for my dog eh! :D
Remember this baby of mine?
Never mind if you don't, cus I just didn't know to start this post and thought it would be nice to begin with a question, HAHAAA!
So yea, this is my baby Lotto that we have almost got our 1st year anniversary on this upcoming May... Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen :'(
It was that one day when I was doing what I probably enjoy doing most- futsal. It just happened when I was caught on a challenge from the friend when I was on possession and I just couldn't carry on playing comfortably with the boots on.
When I took off, had a look on it and only to found out...
Man, the reason why I would actually write a post on this pair of particular boots is mainly because this is my first ever futsal boot, my very own one! I have got myself with 2 different pairs when I started to play but both were previously worn by another owner =/ Maybe that's the reason why I love them so much, and they're actually pretty good when it comes to its performance. Quite a number of goals were scored with them and they will be truly be missed :O
Went to the cobbler yesterday and the guy said it is almost COMPLETELY worn out and the only way to save it is actually to change the whole shoe soles which will cost a bomb! So much so that it is enough to actually buy another new pair of boots!! O,O
Fact is, they are still looking good, except when it will be used on a futsal pitch. Still capable to be used as a running shoe when I DO hit the gym :)
Okay, you may think why on earth would I even make such a long post for just a pair of futsal boots eh? True that.. I'm still wondering on the logic behind this XO
Even my boots get a post on my blog, I shall really at least put more than 1 post for my dog eh! :D
Saturday, February 25, 2012
my mama loves KFC!
25th of February 2012, Saturday...
There is this one thing about my mom.. She L.O.V.E.S eating KFC!! Its obvious that fast-food doesn't sounds healthy but it does taste yummy, rightttt?! Too bad that mom loves those chickies so much that dad sort of 'banned' mom from touching those oily yet finger licking good chickies~
So yea, mom hardly got a chance to eat those since dad just doesn't like it. The only times when mom could treat herself with those are times when dad has got his own dinner AND when am back at home. It so happen that they both have dinner together for almost every occasions even with their friends, so such golden opportunity doesn't come often for mom :)
Today is the day, dad has got his dinner with the gentlemen and I was there for mom, and those chickens :D

Okay this isn't a photo that I've taken, didn't manage to snap one since mom doesn't like to get herself on the cam, so yea Google'ed
Dad doesn't really fancy with western food as well, unless those pretty special ones =/ kinda picky I know. So yesterday was the day he went to have a wine testing session with the gents and mom and I had our pleasant dinner over at a 'local' western restaurant :)
Mom was and is certainly the happy girl for yesterday, and today :D
There is this one thing about my mom.. She L.O.V.E.S eating KFC!! Its obvious that fast-food doesn't sounds healthy but it does taste yummy, rightttt?! Too bad that mom loves those chickies so much that dad sort of 'banned' mom from touching those oily yet finger licking good chickies~
So yea, mom hardly got a chance to eat those since dad just doesn't like it. The only times when mom could treat herself with those are times when dad has got his own dinner AND when am back at home. It so happen that they both have dinner together for almost every occasions even with their friends, so such golden opportunity doesn't come often for mom :)
Today is the day, dad has got his dinner with the gentlemen and I was there for mom, and those chickens :D

Okay this isn't a photo that I've taken, didn't manage to snap one since mom doesn't like to get herself on the cam, so yea Google'ed
Dad doesn't really fancy with western food as well, unless those pretty special ones =/ kinda picky I know. So yesterday was the day he went to have a wine testing session with the gents and mom and I had our pleasant dinner over at a 'local' western restaurant :)
Mom was and is certainly the happy girl for yesterday, and today :D
Happy birthday kawan!
25th of February 2012, Saturday...
Glad to see one of the gay mates of mine who came back Malacca, its been a while!! Have got so much to catch up with the buddy and this is probably the best time to do so :)
So yea, yumcha session is always a must.
As for yesterday's outing, it was a lil special with our birthday girl around :)
So far she's considered the oldest among us (in the photo below) XO

Best wishes to the birthday girl/best 38 friend :D
Pictures are the best description of all, so yea. Less words =3
Glad to see one of the gay mates of mine who came back Malacca, its been a while!! Have got so much to catch up with the buddy and this is probably the best time to do so :)
So yea, yumcha session is always a must.
As for yesterday's outing, it was a lil special with our birthday girl around :)
So far she's considered the oldest among us (in the photo below) XO

Best wishes to the birthday girl/best 38 friend :D
Pictures are the best description of all, so yea. Less words =3
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Meant to be
23th of February 2012, Thursday...
Guys, really. It's not that I don't feel like updating my blog, but its just that am enjoying everyday in a way that it becomes so awfully common and ordinary :O
Its been all easy, happy-go-lucky really. Everyday waken up by mom to have brunch, sometimes with dad sometimes without. Come home, watch tv program from a certain time to another and then go up to my room to get in touch with Facebook, Twitter and stuffs. Occasionally play with my fatty bom bom. When its between 5pm to 7pm, its either I go for sports or I'll just stay home and workout for at least an hour. Dinner with fam or friends. Last but not least, yum cha and or DoTA...
That basically sums up my daily routine for the past 2 months and am pretty much enjoying this kinda life! :) Of course, I do spend my precious time with mom and dad in the living room talking and of course during our dinner time. And sometimes there might just have some sort of 'surprise' that comes in, yeah...
Talking about surprise, I've got one today, quite a big one that was :O

A long lost friend came popping out on my Facebook chat when I was just about to end my conversation with one of my gay mates (LOL) Okay, what actually surprised me was because I've actually lost contact with this used-to-be close friend of mine for at least 2 years! For some reason, I tried to get through her via FB but that just didn't work until she finds me earlier today. I have so so much to catch up with. owh~
Okay, perhaps today's bit different due to this so called surprise that I've got. TEHEEEEEEE!
Cheers peeps!
Guys, really. It's not that I don't feel like updating my blog, but its just that am enjoying everyday in a way that it becomes so awfully common and ordinary :O
Its been all easy, happy-go-lucky really. Everyday waken up by mom to have brunch, sometimes with dad sometimes without. Come home, watch tv program from a certain time to another and then go up to my room to get in touch with Facebook, Twitter and stuffs. Occasionally play with my fatty bom bom. When its between 5pm to 7pm, its either I go for sports or I'll just stay home and workout for at least an hour. Dinner with fam or friends. Last but not least, yum cha and or DoTA...
That basically sums up my daily routine for the past 2 months and am pretty much enjoying this kinda life! :) Of course, I do spend my precious time with mom and dad in the living room talking and of course during our dinner time. And sometimes there might just have some sort of 'surprise' that comes in, yeah...
Talking about surprise, I've got one today, quite a big one that was :O

A long lost friend came popping out on my Facebook chat when I was just about to end my conversation with one of my gay mates (LOL) Okay, what actually surprised me was because I've actually lost contact with this used-to-be close friend of mine for at least 2 years! For some reason, I tried to get through her via FB but that just didn't work until she finds me earlier today. I have so so much to catch up with. owh~
Okay, perhaps today's bit different due to this so called surprise that I've got. TEHEEEEEEE!
Cheers peeps!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
there is a WILL, there is a WAY
16th of February 2012, Thursday...
Honestly, I kinda miss those days when the rainfall was never like stopping. WHY? Because its just so SO hot over here that I almost got myself suffering from HEAT STROKE!! FYI, I seldom switch on the air con, but when I do, that means its really hot
Forget about the weather, thanks god am already in my comfy air conditioned room :O
Hmm... All these while I've seen so much and I've got so much 'inspiration' from guys who have considerably fine body (this may sound gay) Somehow whenever I was trying to work SOMETHING out, the determination just wasn't strong enough to even last for a month!
Well this time around I've once again have that very urge to actually go for it once more, this time with a stronger will and determination!! Workout starts from home :D
By far, the greatest and probably the proudest personally record of mine is by losing 18Kilos from the highest of 100Kilos that happened within 3 months without my realization. Honestly, I don't remember putting any deliberate effort on it and it was like a dream came true! Of course, getting a nice body is no dream and that requires a lot of work, no doubt about that at all.
So yea, I shall give myself another 3 months, and we shall see whether is there any REASONABLE result :D
Honestly, I kinda miss those days when the rainfall was never like stopping. WHY? Because its just so SO hot over here that I almost got myself suffering from HEAT STROKE!! FYI, I seldom switch on the air con, but when I do, that means its really hot
Forget about the weather, thanks god am already in my comfy air conditioned room :O
Hmm... All these while I've seen so much and I've got so much 'inspiration' from guys who have considerably fine body (this may sound gay) Somehow whenever I was trying to work SOMETHING out, the determination just wasn't strong enough to even last for a month!
Well this time around I've once again have that very urge to actually go for it once more, this time with a stronger will and determination!! Workout starts from home :D
By far, the greatest and probably the proudest personally record of mine is by losing 18Kilos from the highest of 100Kilos that happened within 3 months without my realization. Honestly, I don't remember putting any deliberate effort on it and it was like a dream came true! Of course, getting a nice body is no dream and that requires a lot of work, no doubt about that at all.
So yea, I shall give myself another 3 months, and we shall see whether is there any REASONABLE result :D
Monday, February 13, 2012
Spongebob who lives in under the 'pool'
13th of February 2012, Monday...
Well well... Here's a special dedication to someone who meant something to me, something good of course ... Am pretty sure YOU should know who you are when you're actually looking at this ;)
Lecture hall was the first very first place we met and you were just as ordinary as the others. For some reason, we became friends under a pretty much unusual occasion when it was 3 in the morning. Special day it was indeed, to meet up a total stranger at a complete unfamiliar place in the middle of the night, don't you think? :)

As time goes by, something changed and it was something that I would rather want it to be undiscovered and remained the same. Somehow I wasn't able to get hold of it and that was the time when things had thoroughly changed... Guess am just not a good actor, eh?
Up till now, the answer that I have been looking for, remain untold. To be honest, it doesn't feels good to be left with a big question mark up on my head for all these while... Maybe you've tried to hint for the reply, but it just wasn't obvious enough, or was it?
2 times, and both answers were utterly explained, without the reason behind the answers. Anyhow, respect is always the virtue :)

Well, I may not THAT geng to actually come up with a pageful of Chinese written post, but still I can 小写一两句, 呵呵 :D
虽然, 写了一大堆有的没的(其实也不算有的没的啦)... 可是最重要的是你看了, 至少也会笑下, 好吗? 不过说回来, 我们认识了也快一年了,真的有够快咯!! 你都还没请我吃饭叻!! XO
不管怎样, 如果有开心或不开心的都记得要 share 下, 我会是你很好的听众 :D 讲真的, 也很久没看见你的noob 脸, 是有点想念的 Hahaaa! 好啦, 华语烂, 不多写了...
A very special post, to a very special friend (HOHOO)
Spongebob, special enough? :)
Well well... Here's a special dedication to someone who meant something to me, something good of course ... Am pretty sure YOU should know who you are when you're actually looking at this ;)
Lecture hall was the first very first place we met and you were just as ordinary as the others. For some reason, we became friends under a pretty much unusual occasion when it was 3 in the morning. Special day it was indeed, to meet up a total stranger at a complete unfamiliar place in the middle of the night, don't you think? :)

As time goes by, something changed and it was something that I would rather want it to be undiscovered and remained the same. Somehow I wasn't able to get hold of it and that was the time when things had thoroughly changed... Guess am just not a good actor, eh?
Up till now, the answer that I have been looking for, remain untold. To be honest, it doesn't feels good to be left with a big question mark up on my head for all these while... Maybe you've tried to hint for the reply, but it just wasn't obvious enough, or was it?
2 times, and both answers were utterly explained, without the reason behind the answers. Anyhow, respect is always the virtue :)

Well, I may not THAT geng to actually come up with a pageful of Chinese written post, but still I can 小写一两句, 呵呵 :D
虽然, 写了一大堆有的没的(其实也不算有的没的啦)... 可是最重要的是你看了, 至少也会笑下, 好吗? 不过说回来, 我们认识了也快一年了,真的有够快咯!! 你都还没请我吃饭叻!! XO
不管怎样, 如果有开心或不开心的都记得要 share 下, 我会是你很好的听众 :D 讲真的, 也很久没看见你的noob 脸, 是有点想念的 Hahaaa! 好啦, 华语烂, 不多写了...
A very special post, to a very special friend (HOHOO)
Spongebob, special enough? :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Watching football at its best :)
11th of February 2012, Saturday...
Just came to realize that I actually left out one of the posts when I actually scan through those pictures.
So football fans out there, am sure you guys still remember about the ManU vs Chelsea game earlier last week right? Well me and a few buddies had lotsa fun thanks to that late 12am kickoff. The initial plan was to watch the match at one of the McD stores but shit happened when there was actually a clash between the MU Chel game and the M'sia vs Bahrain game for some AFC qualifying crap.
Went to other 2 restaurants, same shit was showing on their screen... So yea, went back to McD just to tapao and another change of station to Song's place to watch (Y)

Mind you, I know those people around were trying to show how patriotic they were, but c'mon that was one of the greatest clash on EPL and you know its gonna be better football to be watch, definitely!! What's worse when M'sia actually lost to Bahrain by 3 goals to 2, ishhhhh...
Okay, it was actually the qualifier for Olympic game on 2012, now I know...
Anyway, we had lotsa fun that's what matter the most :D
Just came to realize that I actually left out one of the posts when I actually scan through those pictures.
So football fans out there, am sure you guys still remember about the ManU vs Chelsea game earlier last week right? Well me and a few buddies had lotsa fun thanks to that late 12am kickoff. The initial plan was to watch the match at one of the McD stores but shit happened when there was actually a clash between the MU Chel game and the M'sia vs Bahrain game for some AFC qualifying crap.
Went to other 2 restaurants, same shit was showing on their screen... So yea, went back to McD just to tapao and another change of station to Song's place to watch (Y)
Mind you, I know those people around were trying to show how patriotic they were, but c'mon that was one of the greatest clash on EPL and you know its gonna be better football to be watch, definitely!! What's worse when M'sia actually lost to Bahrain by 3 goals to 2, ishhhhh...
Okay, it was actually the qualifier for Olympic game on 2012, now I know...
Anyway, we had lotsa fun that's what matter the most :D
Thursday, February 9, 2012
All the best to you, buddy :)
9th of February 2012, Thursday...
It was like yesterday when people were still talking about new year's eve party, new year's resolutions and fact is, its already the 2nd month of 2012, GOSH!
Time really flies, the friend invited me to his farewell party right when I was back from Perak is already in Aus right now. The flight was on yesterday's noon and a few of the close friends went to the airport for a lil farewell session (well most of the friends went back to their studies, so yea)
Bumped into another best friend of mine who she was also flying, but only to Subang :)
Had been going for futsal, badminton, breakfast, yum cha and blah blahh with this guy throughout the weeks, its like seeing him everyday has been one of the routines, LOL! Okay I know this may sound a bit gayish but yeah, when someone close is leaving to study abroad, this is what I'll do :)
Oh well, am surely gonna miss his kualan'ness and the way how I tickle him every single time (especially in the car) :'D
Take care buddy, best wishes to you :)
It was like yesterday when people were still talking about new year's eve party, new year's resolutions and fact is, its already the 2nd month of 2012, GOSH!
Time really flies, the friend invited me to his farewell party right when I was back from Perak is already in Aus right now. The flight was on yesterday's noon and a few of the close friends went to the airport for a lil farewell session (well most of the friends went back to their studies, so yea)
Bumped into another best friend of mine who she was also flying, but only to Subang :)
Had been going for futsal, badminton, breakfast, yum cha and blah blahh with this guy throughout the weeks, its like seeing him everyday has been one of the routines, LOL! Okay I know this may sound a bit gayish but yeah, when someone close is leaving to study abroad, this is what I'll do :)
Oh well, am surely gonna miss his kualan'ness and the way how I tickle him every single time (especially in the car) :'D
Take care buddy, best wishes to you :)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Its all about BEACHES!
7th of February 2012, Tuesday...
Sup guys, how's so far? Awesome for mine as I continue to enjoy my 3 and a half month break and the feeling of having everyday-is-a-holiday is no doubt one of the best things in life :D Of course it doesn't mean that I enjoy my entire break just sitting in front of the lappie and get those excessive fats growing all over, HELL NO!
Its always good to have friends around to hang out together and often have a good laugh without having to worry just about nothing! Sports of course. Badminton and futsal sessions are two MUST to stay healthy :) These are just about what I've been doing these days, especially the day since I got back from the hometown.
Talking bout outings, I've been to two different beaches with two different group of friends which both were equally awesome!!
First up, one of Kelantan's landmark- PCB (Pantai Cahaya Bulan)

The second one was in one of the resorts called Villa Danialla over at Tok Bali~

Last but not least...

A must do whenever you're at a beach with a bunch of friends, right? ;)
Well, without actually realizing how fast could it be, yesterday was already the last day of CNY... Many of the friends were back to their respective studies and some are leaving pretty soon :( I cherish every moment spent because soon everyone will be back with their own routine life and so do I, only thing different for me is that I have a longer time to stay slacky XD
Must say that both outings at the beaches were awesome, but its the buddies who made it even better :')
Sup guys, how's so far? Awesome for mine as I continue to enjoy my 3 and a half month break and the feeling of having everyday-is-a-holiday is no doubt one of the best things in life :D Of course it doesn't mean that I enjoy my entire break just sitting in front of the lappie and get those excessive fats growing all over, HELL NO!
Its always good to have friends around to hang out together and often have a good laugh without having to worry just about nothing! Sports of course. Badminton and futsal sessions are two MUST to stay healthy :) These are just about what I've been doing these days, especially the day since I got back from the hometown.
Talking bout outings, I've been to two different beaches with two different group of friends which both were equally awesome!!
First up, one of Kelantan's landmark- PCB (Pantai Cahaya Bulan)

The second one was in one of the resorts called Villa Danialla over at Tok Bali~

Last but not least...

A must do whenever you're at a beach with a bunch of friends, right? ;)
Well, without actually realizing how fast could it be, yesterday was already the last day of CNY... Many of the friends were back to their respective studies and some are leaving pretty soon :( I cherish every moment spent because soon everyone will be back with their own routine life and so do I, only thing different for me is that I have a longer time to stay slacky XD
Must say that both outings at the beaches were awesome, but its the buddies who made it even better :')
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