Sunday, June 28, 2009
Ouch!! My ass!!
I wonder if you guys still remember about one of my post,regarding to my recent absent to school. I was saying that my friends from art-stream classes have already been penalise whereas we science-stream students haven't get our punishment. I W.A.S actually very happy that we've already escaped from the punishment,but that was only our thoughts nia...
Our dear Mr.Choo (the principal) was so cute,that yesterday when we were having our extra class,someone came to our class and called a few names,I was included... By that time I knew what's gonna happened next,and I was soooooo gonna die as I never prepare any reason or MC due to my absent... Why do I said that Mr.Choo's cute?? Because,he gave us all fake hopes that we've already escape from it,but then one week later balu he ' invite ' us to his room duh...
Once we were in his room,those who have got MC or letter were able to escape without a thing,but for those who didn't,ahh~ That's the end... And here goes the caning session!! WuuuuhuU~
Everything comes with ladies first,that was the same either,ladies gets their cane on their hand one by one... And guess what? After the ladies,then gentlemen which were absent was only from class sc3,sc4,and sc5. Which means my class was the first to be called up,and I was the second from the list... By that time I was praying hard,so that I won't get First Blood,because we guys knew that,the first shoot is always the worst and the most painful one...
Guess what?! I was the luckiest guy among them,I was the 'lucky' number one~ How great was that huh?! Here's some of our conversation...
Mr.Choo: TOH BOON SIEW!!...
Me: Here...
Mr.Choo: It is stated on my list that you've been absent for 3 consecutive days! So be it,come'on...
Me: HAR?! But but...
Mr.Choo: Ahhh... There's no 'but', now get over here...
Me: *Speechless...*
Mr.Choo: 2 shoots for you
There it was, I can't even utter a single word... Seriously,by that time I was thinking that how the hell was I suppose to be the first one,and I must receive 2 shoots at once wey!
*POWWWW* The first one went down onto my ass,at first it wasn't really painful,felt bit cramp on it,by the time when it started to get pain,the second went straight onto it mercilessly *POWWWW*!! I tell you,it was ridiculously,tremendously,marvelously,amazingly,horribly,terribly P.A.I.N.F.U.L !!!!!!
After that,I was informed that those who was absent for few days consecutively were only penalise by 1 shoot,which means I was the only one who gets 2 shoots among all of them! I was like *WTF??!! What in the hell have I done to deserve the another extra shoot,while the other didn't!!!* =_______="
Once I've got home,get in front of the mirror,and I saw a 'X' on my big ass,red in colour and also some blue-black... That was my worst punishment ever... Gosh!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy birthday,Vin Vin~ ^_^
First of all,a wish of happy birthday to Vin Vin~ May all your wishes comes true and also all the best for you my friend!
Hmm... Let's rewind back to yesterday,cus something interesting did happened which I've just got up on my mind that I've forgotten to post it up on yesterday's post. Yesterday morning,I woke up with a shocked on the pop-stars's fatality which was M.Jackson.
So then,I went for my breakfast along with mom and dad... While we were having our meal,there was a lady who brought along her little baby into the restaurant,by that time both mommy and baby were playing together happily,without my consciousness I just kept on smiling while looking at them. Deep down in my heart,I felt that this kinda of situation is what I'm hoping for my future,pampering my wife and also my baby kids,that's just soooo warm and sweet for me... >.<
Hahaaa,I know that it may sound bit insane for a 17 years old guy to said something like this,but I've got no idea why am I thinking in such a way,but then... Isn't it great to have this kinda happy family in our future,I bet that each of you hope to have the same as I do ^____^
Hmm... Here comes something that truly broke my heart into pieces, T_____________T
It so happen that,dad needs to get something in the pharmacy,and I was assigned to get down the car and get the medicine for him... And I was told that the pharmacy's tauke is his friend,so yeah,there I go...
Once I've reached,immediately I showed the package of the medicine towards the shopkeeper... When she gave to the tauke and there goes our conversation...
Tauke: Hmm... Here's the code for it, 1234567... *blah blah blah...*
Me: Oh,Okay...
Tauke: *Stared at me...*
Me: *......*
Tauke: Are you... Chinese?
Me: YA... !!!
ARRRRGH...!!! By that time when I heard that,I was like soooo mad and soooo angry,and rather disappointed! Hey,do I look like a non-Chinese?! @#$%^& Dang it! Huh... Ahhh,anyway,it wasn't an insult I know,maybe I have got a darker skin colour,well I'll rather take that as a compliment,at least I won't get skin cancer that easily in compared with those people with fair skin colour,lalalaaaa~
As for night time,went to Pizza Hut for Huei's birthday celebration... As I always said,Let the photos to do the talking...
Friday, June 26, 2009
R.I.P---> M.J
This morning when I first woke up,popped up in front of my lappie,and started to log-in my MSN... And I was like, *OMG!!* When I first saw the news regarding on Michael Jackson's death,was kinda stunned by this shocking news wey!
Reports said that M.J was found unconscious in his house when the paramedic reached his house... CPR was performed but there was no sign of consciousness for M.J,then he was sent to the hospital but still... *sigh...* This is life... So people,life might be short,appreciate it! Love and care about the peoples around you,never wait until he/she were to be on the border of heaven then only you started to regret,It's just too late for it!!

Michael,you'll always stays in our heart and soul,immortalised forever...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Rubik Cube makes me goes mad!
What a day for us... Teachers were absent for our class,3 of them! B.M,B.I and Physic! Besides,that was a 6 free period without teachers consecutively! How great was that?! Due to that,we've been sooo damn free that we've almost been rotten in our class. Some were doing homework,while some other were chatting around,sleeping,blah blah blah...
Oh,some of us were busy solving the formulae for RUBIK CUBE,I was one of them who nearly get insane because of that. I just can't get the formulae for it,that's why I've brought the cube back and get it right on my own,rather than listening to them...
Ever since I've got up into mom's car,I've been pushing the cube here and there... There goes my "SHORT" nap,for about 3 hours (that's ridiculous,I know... Shouldn't be considered as a nap duh)
But still,the cube's shape remained the same all the while! Eventually,I've been trying for the whole day *GOSH*
Days before,I've been shopping with mom and we've bought a packet of strawberries which cost us about RM9.90,and it only contain for like... Not more than 10 of it (If I'm not mistaken) No doubt,the berries were big in size,and there was a humongous one!
My face... That hurts man...
Ah... Yesterday, bunch of us went to futsal again,that was Wednesday I mean...
Guess what,I've got hit directly on the face,AGAIN! That was really a hard one,that I can't even remember who fired that shoot. T______T That hurts alot! And by now I still can feel that my jaws seems to have some problem... @.@
As we proceed,another "tragedy" happened. This time,it involved me and H.Yong pulak... That situation was like... When Yong was trying to runs over me with the ball on him,I actually tackled him and ended up somersaulting in the mid-air. On that very moment when he fell down,I was about to laugh at him and yet while he was somersaulting,his feet actually kicks on my forehead! OUCH!! Both of us sat down on the field,yelling here and there,hahaaa... That was hurt,but then luckily non of us were hurt severely. ^_^
It was a nice game indeed,we did enjoyed our game,so was I ^_^ *scored once and assisted for several times wey,XD*
Uh,once I've reached home,was actually planning to take a short nap for about 1 hour,but ended up dozing off for 3 and a half hour,Oh Mi Gosh!
Now that I'm superbly energetic *not quite actually... =_=* Well,gonna go for DvD player as mom requested,hehee...
Nitez nitezzz...~
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!!
Phew,just finished up my homework duuh...
First of all,Happy Fathers Day to dads from all over the world!! ESPECIALLY my lovely dad that is... ^_^ I love you dad,I know that you've always been hoping me to get a better result,I here promise you that I'll try my very best to do it. Dad,stay healthy! Love yea~
Ooops,that day I've forgotten to post up Mothers Day's wish aah,so now that I take this opportunity to wish each every mom to have a belated Mothers Days through this post,heheee... (I've wished my mom on the very day already,so It's ok for me,lalalaa...)
Well well,last Thursday I've been absent to school,and today I've heard that a few of my friends which are from art class have already been penalise by the principal wey! Well I guess that tomorrow will be our turn to get canned by Mr Choo... God bless me~
*My butt is sooo gonna get hurt... T_____T*
Signing off~ Nitez...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Getting better??
Aaaih... Feeling better right now,but still can't really get rid of it clearly... Weirdo I am.
Yet another Sunday is about to come... Time flies~ *tick... tok... tick... tok...* Time's ticking every second.hey people,try to make full use of 24 hours everyday,(But I just fu*king can't!!!) Gosh! I hate myself for being such a lazy bug! Knowing myself clearly,that I have a shortage of memory,but still I never really concentrate on things that I've been doing!! Damn it!! Is there anyone who is willing to slap me and wake me up from my slacky dream?!( I bet each of YOU who is viewing on this post,are glad to be the one that wakes me up,right? hohohooo...) o.O
*How much I wish if there could be 32 hours per day... But I guess I might just use the extra 12 hours to slack around as usual X.X*
Signing off... Good nightzz fellas...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Life goes on no matter what happens...
My mood? Naaaaah,still sucks,but somehow I felt lot more comfortable after that I've decided to went to KK for basketball... I was trying to express everything out which were stuffed in my stupid mind since yesterday... Thanks god,I did it! (At least I'm feeling bit better right now) When I was having fun on the basketball court,It seems that I've somehow got rid of some of those sucky feeling and felt better instead...
*Basketball... Me likey,MUCHY~
Well,this post can somehow considered to be dedicated to my lovely friend which fetched me with his car for several times before... Well,he is the one that fetched me the most among some of my friends who have just got their 'P' licence recently... I would take his photo every time when I was in his car,and eventually he was the one that requested me to take his photo while he's driving,hahahaa...
Well,he's some of my collection---Heng Yong in the car~ wiuuu~
4th,Naah... Used to it... >.<
Gay alike... lol
Felt better once I reached home,weird huh? Sure does...
*By seeing you,that might somehow recall back my memories... But then,I've learnt to 'let go' something on the right timing... Although it all ended up with something that I doesn't wish to happens. But still,I hope that you've made your right choice,and I know that you won't regret on it,will you? Well,All the best for you,and you... *
Mood swings...
Dang it... I'm currently in an extremely bad mood,but I've got no idea what's wrong with myself either! Even I myself couldn't explain why I'm not in the right mood...
This sucky feeling started early in the morning when I first woke up... I just can't get the right feeling like I used to have.By noon,when I was updating my blog,I just couldn't get any idea on what word to be used on my post,I mean i couldn't think of something out of my mind to be written down,besides that I've got some problem on posting on my previous post which made me to get even angry.
Eventually I yelled in my room like a mad guy...Fu*k It!! By that time I was already fed up enough and just dozed off at around 6p.m...
When I woke up,seriously I felt depressed?down?emo?mope?! Ahh,I simply just don't get it! Guess what?While I was sitting in front of the T.V after my dinner,my mind was kinda actually blank,I felt like finding someone to share with... On that very moment,Tze Sie sms-ed me. I never expect that someone would have text me in such a coincidence on this kinda situation,I was kinda shocked. Anyhow,thanks to Sie for being a good listener...
P/S: Appreciate that a lot,Sie... ^^
Now that I'm still in the sucky situation... I'm sooo fu*cked up right now, I felt like,I need someone,I don't want to be alone...
God bless me... I need to get rid of this kinda feeling...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Penang day 3~
Taadaaa~ Here it is again for my update on my Penang's trip ^____^ This happened on the 5th of June(Friday) which was the first day for our Leo Forum~
It all started early in the morning when 4 of us were still sleeping like nobody else... We could clearly heard that people were yelling outside the hotel room as most of the Leos have already arrived to the hotel and they were waiting at the lobby and also having their registration,while 4 of us were still shaking our big butt,having our bath...Hahahaaaaa~
We then went down to the lobby for our breakfast before our registration...
Well,at first when we saw the boxes for our breakfast,it somehow looks kinda cool,but once we've saw the 'inside',we were like... "Uuuh" But eventually...
Then,meet up with Minyi and her gang which had just arrived from KL...
I must urge you guys,if you were to go to Penang,please don't ever put B-Suite as the hotel in your list to be chosen! The air-cond was like so kns! Since the first day of our arrival we have already found out about this problem,by that time it was around 6a.m when we first reached the hotel,and the air-cond was already sucky enough,now that there were bunch of people stuffed in the small lobby,I bet that you can imagine how hot will it be...
On 1pm,we Leos then been transfered to somewhere opposite Krystal Suite for some so called 'SPECIAL PROJECT'... So well,before the 'special project' get started,photo shooting session began~ XD
Mud balls~
Rupa-rupanya,these mud balls were given for we,Leos,to throw them into the dirty water that it can somehow clean up the dirt in the water and blah blah blah... Actually,each person were given 2-3 mud balls,but then we grabbed and thrown for at least 10 mud balls for each of us,XD
I personally love this picture,ALOT!!
After the mud ball-throwing session,our next programme will be 'touring around Penang'
First stop---> Khoo Kongsi~ (I've got no idea what's it)
Let Captions to do the talking...
*Spot Yong*

But then,most of the Leos doesn't have any super heroes' costume,so do we...
After our dinner,we then went back to our hotel... Guess what?! Shortage of electricity,AGAIN~ Cool huh? Before we knew about it,people we complaining while we were walking along the walkway towards our room,then only we found out about it... And eventually,we changed our cloth,and went out to the staircase and enjoy our Coco-Crunch... @.@
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Award from Amy~ :D

The rules are:
- Include the award in your blog/post.
- Nominate as many blogs which you like.
- Be sure to link the nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they've receive this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the post to the person whom you receive your award~
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dang it! School's gonna commence tomorrow! I'll be grumbling around for homeworks and all those things and stuffs. I'm sooo gonna get mad! Well,after coming back from the recent Leo Forum,i feel like going back there laaaa,I miss it,I miss them,ALOT!! I want to mix around with people,I wanna mingle around,I wanna play all day long!! I SERIOUSLY MISS IT ALOT!!
Well now,I must get myself clear now. I must somehow toil like a cow in order to get a better result,or else I'm sooo gonna die! God,please grand me the determination on my study! I'm just too damn lazy,I need motivation,I need determination!
Aaaah,I don't care,after SPM,I'm sooo gonna enjoy life,and going to somewhere else for vacation with a bunch of friends is a MUST to do! (It's a looooooooooong looooooooooooong way to go...Uh) And now,I must full-fill my own task before I move on to my enjoyment... WORK HARD!! Wush wush!! Bless me babeh~ GRAND ME THE STRENGTH OF STUDYING!!
C.Ronaldo~ Aiyaiyai...
Well well,I'm gonna stop for my Penang trip's post for a while,because I've got something even better and even interesting! HOoooooho~ (I'll continue my Penang trip's post sooner of later,don't worry)
Cheeeeeers for everyone that doesn't like Manchester United F.C!!! XD hahahahaaa... All the while,there were rumours saying that the World class player C.Ronaldo-24 from the Red Devils will be moving out from his club,and It's been telling on and off by the media. And finally,days ago he has just decided to move over to Real Madrid with a world record bidding of 80mi£ which is equivalent to RM580 mil !!!! A WORLD RECORD that is!! Here's a link for it.
Now that Fergie have got lump sum of $$ to get other players... As for Man U's fans,you must be scolding Fergie for making such decision,but as what I've got in the article,It's saying that Ronaldo seems be to celebrating after knowing his transfer was successful even he's in Los Angeles,lolx...The whole page,is regarding Fergie!!
And i found these in the article today... Check it out,and i do agree with it,ALOT!

Besides,I also found this in the article uh... Report says that Ronaldo have got plenty in common,and i think you can see what's in the photo next...Here's a link regarding this news

Well now,who will be United's next magnificent 7? We've got G.Best,Bryan Robson,Eric Cantona,David Beckham and C.Ronaldo,but now he's gone~ Who'll be the next? We'll see... XD
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Penang day 2~
After everyone of us finished washing up ourselves,we then went to the lobby and ngam ngam there were 2 taxis waiting for US,hohoho~ Well,the taxi driver didn't use his meter and gave us a price of RM10 from our hotel to Queensbay mall. Although we can hear from the radio station saying that... " It is illegal for taxis driver who never use their meter,so please take action and blah blah blah..." But we've got no choice,as no more taxis were there for us.
After our meal,we then walk around at the third floor,to search for something before we went to the cinema. (Ohh,I've almost forgot that we've bought tickets for Terminator Salvation before we went to T-Bowl).