First of all,a wish of happy birthday to Vin Vin~ May all your wishes comes true and also all the best for you my friend!
Hmm... Let's rewind back to yesterday,cus something interesting did happened which I've just got up on my mind that I've forgotten to post it up on yesterday's post. Yesterday morning,I woke up with a shocked on the pop-stars's fatality which was M.Jackson.
So then,I went for my breakfast along with mom and dad... While we were having our meal,there was a lady who brought along her little baby into the restaurant,by that time both mommy and baby were playing together happily,without my consciousness I just kept on smiling while looking at them. Deep down in my heart,I felt that this kinda of situation is what I'm hoping for my future,pampering my wife and also my baby kids,that's just soooo warm and sweet for me... >.<
Hahaaa,I know that it may sound bit insane for a 17 years old guy to said something like this,but I've got no idea why am I thinking in such a way,but then... Isn't it great to have this kinda happy family in our future,I bet that each of you hope to have the same as I do ^____^
Hmm... Here comes something that truly broke my heart into pieces, T_____________T
It so happen that,dad needs to get something in the pharmacy,and I was assigned to get down the car and get the medicine for him... And I was told that the pharmacy's tauke is his friend,so yeah,there I go...
Once I've reached,immediately I showed the package of the medicine towards the shopkeeper... When she gave to the tauke and there goes our conversation...
Tauke: Hmm... Here's the code for it, 1234567... *blah blah blah...*
Me: Oh,Okay...
Tauke: *Stared at me...*
Me: *......*
Tauke: Are you... Chinese?
Me: YA... !!!
ARRRRGH...!!! By that time when I heard that,I was like soooo mad and soooo angry,and rather disappointed! Hey,do I look like a non-Chinese?! @#$%^& Dang it! Huh... Ahhh,anyway,it wasn't an insult I know,maybe I have got a darker skin colour,well I'll rather take that as a compliment,at least I won't get skin cancer that easily in compared with those people with fair skin colour,lalalaaaa~
As for night time,went to Pizza Hut for Huei's birthday celebration... As I always said,Let the photos to do the talking...
We did enjoyed the party alot,had lotsa fun chit-chatting with all bunch of friends... Hmm... There was actually one thing which surprised me,was that we actually never went for billiard for the entire birthday celebration wey,unexpectedly,how amazing was that!! That was weird... LOLX
Later on after our dinner,Liang fetched us back home one-by-one,uuuh~ Thanks a lot Liang,^____^
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