HohohoooooO! I'm so happy to see my blog,it's been so dead recently... I miss you my dear bloggy ^_^
Ahah! Here's some update on my wonderful Penang trip,let's start from the first day which is 2nd and 3rd of June... Why is it so? Because we took a bus at 10pm.
Guess what? This is my first ever trip to be only with my friends,without any adults to a holiday trip to somewhere else,hohoho~(I did mention on my previous post i think,heheheee) I was sooo exicted when I first reached the bus station. By that time Yaw,Theng and Yong were already there playing psp while waiting for us,lol... Luckily i wasn't the last one the be there ^^
Once everyone were there we then got up into our bus,the seats are wide and comfortable enough,but we just can't sleep throughout the whole 7 hours... At first stop,it was like... 3a.m?? If I'm not mistaken... We stopped at a hawker stall for toilet. Once get off from the bus,I realised that Yong was bit weird,and suddenly he went missing! We were kinda freaked out at first,then suddenly he came from the bushes,and told us that...
H.Yong: 'HEHEHEEE...Guys, I PUKED! And yucksss,it taste bitter instead of sour...' =.="
We guys were like... Duuuuuh,don't be so disgusting laa wey! @.@ Well,we had our tea before we return to the bus to continue our journey...
Ooooh,for your information,there were just 7 of us in the bus,as we went to Penang earlier before than the forum began... ^_^
Once we were on the bus again,everyone seems quiet as we can't disturb the other,so that i assumed they were all fallen asleep,but NO!!... We're just koya-ing...
At first we thought that we would reached Penang for like... 6am?? But unexpectedly,we reached there at about 4.50am duuuh! And there were just 7 of us waiting at the bus station stupidly... As everyone went back with their own vehicle... Later on Yaa Pin's sister reached and fetched her up,and eventually 6 of us waiting there. Under such situation,we've got nothing to do but just crapping and gossiping around... @.@
S.Yee, T.Ling, Y.Pin
At last... At about 6am... Tan Ling's relative reached to fetched us up...
The hotel that we were staying was B-Suite. Well,it sounds kinda luxury for me,but what i saw in my eyes told me that it's totally not,AT ALL!! The lobby was,well... Smaller than any hotel that I've been before?? (NOTE: I'm not showing off,just to make comparison) But the worse thing that happened on us was that,we couldn't check into the room YET! We must somehow wait at least until 10am?? Gosssh,we've expected that actually,what to do?
As Yong said : "Don't worry,we go for our breakfast first,then go and walk around,then eat again,then eat,then walk,blaaaah~ And it's 10am!!! Wooohooo"
Before that,we went to the toilet as Yong wanted to... Make some business,and this kinda thing happened =.=
Gosh! This 2 appears in Men's toilet aaah! @..@
It's time for breakfast!! Hohohoo~~
We then decided to make a walk on "Kek Lok Si" which i suppose to buy some souvenir,but I couldn't because I'm having economic recession...LOLX
Now I'll let the caption to do more on the talking...
Piza pagoda,XD
Officially beggar! HOHOHOO ROLF!

After that,we were totally exhausted and we stinks!! Luckily it's already 10+am by that time... Hehehee,and so we went back to our hotel and checked in. The room was,well big enough,but yet nothing much inside,haha. And the toilet was,small. Anyhow,after taking our shower,we took some time to rest before our lunch...
We then went to a restaurant which located somewhere around our surrounding. It's a Vietnam+Thailand themed restaurant(if I'm not mistaken)
After that,we then went to our next destination,which was Prangi Mall. And seriously,the parking was terrible! As we turned up our way for like... 10 rounds? Just to reach to the top of the shopping mall to search for parking,as all the remaining were fully occupied except the top level... =.="
Cinema!! Weeeeeeee~ We love it,as Kelantan didn't even have a single one... T___T And so we watched the movie Night At the Museum 2.

After that,out we went to another shopping mall,Gurney~ Hohohoo,the beach which located nearby Gurney was very nice,unlike our PCB... Gooooosh! Beyond compare!
Well,Gurney was much more luxury in compared to Prangi mall i would say... It's interior design is better. Well then,we went to shop around as Yaw gets his new wallet over there. And for me? I get a packet of 'bak kua' for my parents,hahahaaa... Actually i was expecting to see alot of Leng Lui over at Penang,but its somehow out of my expectation,I must admit,there were alot of Leng Lui in compared to KB,but I can see that they're all covered with make-ups... For me,original is still the best,XD
And so,we went to Coffee Bean~ Which KB doesn't have one either... @.@
RM13 per glass,uh~ Some more it makes them feel uncomfortable after drinking it,luckily i just drank Theng's,XD
And,after that we were hungry... LOL Theng phoned up his auntie and asked for direction to those hawker stalls,and it's nearby Gurney,uh... And so we walked there... And it so happened that the place was been introduced by a famous tv show before "Super Taste" hahaaa... And we did ordered those food that they did recommended... And guess what? They ended up stomachache,and Yong,PUKED AGAIN! hahahahaha!
Went back into the mall after eating,and we found these...
After the girls had done with their shopping,we then waited outside...
Yong was actually mercok-ing by that time... LOL
Reached our hotel,jumped onto our bed,took our bath,and turned on the T.V then kept on talking until mid-night before sleeping,hahahaaaa! It was fun!!
To be continue~
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