What a day for us... Teachers were absent for our class,3 of them! B.M,B.I and Physic! Besides,that was a 6 free period without teachers consecutively! How great was that?! Due to that,we've been sooo damn free that we've almost been rotten in our class. Some were doing homework,while some other were chatting around,sleeping,blah blah blah...
Oh,some of us were busy solving the formulae for RUBIK CUBE,I was one of them who nearly get insane because of that. I just can't get the formulae for it,that's why I've brought the cube back and get it right on my own,rather than listening to them...
Ever since I've got up into mom's car,I've been pushing the cube here and there... There goes my "SHORT" nap,for about 3 hours (that's ridiculous,I know... Shouldn't be considered as a nap duh)
But still,the cube's shape remained the same all the while! Eventually,I've been trying for the whole day *GOSH*
Days before,I've been shopping with mom and we've bought a packet of strawberries which cost us about RM9.90,and it only contain for like... Not more than 10 of it (If I'm not mistaken) No doubt,the berries were big in size,and there was a humongous one!
Ewww... Huge!
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