Home sweet home, the best place ever~
1 week of study break is actually meant for us to actually prepare for mid-term, perhaps more or less catch up those subjects that we have somehow lost track with. (there isn't any mid-term tho)
Instead of doing all of the above, am actually just gonna relax my big butt before the next half of the semester starts, this is life man~
Okay, let's not talk about football today, as it wasn't the result that I wanted so badly... So screw it first...
So, let's talk bout what's worth to put a smile on my face, shall we? =D

Followed mom and dad to Public Bank to settle some stuffs, which dad told me lotsa things about how things actually work. He did all those lecture yesterday night as well, at first I was thoroughly fed-up with the football match result, but after a short conversation with daddy, was somehow calmed down although the topic of the conversation was totally irrelevant to the match or whatsoever. =,=
Satisfied my shopping hunger a lil bit this evening, its been a long long time since I last shopped with such a wide smile on the face =D Am sure there will be more of these shopping session ahead, as I've got almost unlimited wants to be full-filled!!
Dinner time was awesome at Kulim restaurant, all the dishes on the dinning table were my favorite! Was beyond full after whacking myself a big plate of rice *burp*
Of course, without mom and dad, I wouldn't be here... Without their hard work, I wouldn't be spending that happily *mind you, am not a shopaholic tho* Most importantly, without their love, I wouldn't be such a mentally and physically healthy boy...
Am fortunate, very lucky in fact to have them as my parent... I promised that I would do whatever I can to show how much I appreciate life, and am trying hard to full-fill this very wish of mine...
Mom... Dad... Love y'all always... (of course my brother as well)
Well, night peeps~
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