Sup people~ Was having myself with the after-holiday blue feeling, emo'ed for the past few days... Visiting the cinema helped in getting rid of the emo'ness, but it cost me 28 bucks in a single day after watching 2 films. 28 bucks to get rid of emo'ness, guess its worth the money eii...
First off, scream 4... Trust me, if you're expecting some gory, bloody killing spree scene in the film, yes there is (mostly censored tho, its Malaysia yo) But if you're expecting it to be some scary piece of shit, NO!! You got it totally wrong! For me, its rather a comedy instead of some sick-tart horror film... Laughed like crap throughout the whole session...
Next up, "Don't go breaking my heart", awesome movie, must MUST watch! Although the ending of the story was kinda sad, but still if its another way round, its still gonna be sad, know what am saying? LOL...

Had my very first futsal session yesterday after arriving in Subang, it was indeed one of the WORST ever session that I've ever had throughout my entire life! Passing was either too soft or hard, dribbling was terrible, finishing... Barely have a chance...
Sucked to the max when it cost us 20 bucks per person! DAMN, probably the most expensive game that I've ever paid before! Gaaaahhh!
Know what, its almost 9pm and am still waiting for housemates for dinner, how great... =,=
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