Tuesday, April 19, 2011


19th of April 2011, Tuesday...


Must be wondering why so many "蛋" right...

Why? Because I just dropped my phone and its half-dead right now! In this kinda time, come on you must be kidding me...

Good news is that its just the screen that need be fixed (I assume) cus its still ringing which means am still able to receive calls from it, of course I can answer as well. Only thing is that I wouldn't know who's on the line until I've heard the voice of the caller...

One of the reasons that am so furious about, it mainly because my phone actually dropped under a very VERY unusual circumstance, and it happened in the toilet =,= Anyhow, what am hoping now is to get it fixed ASAP and at the same time get myself a substitute to be used, YEAH!

Today was nice, again... Dinner was absolutely beyond delicious!

Am sure that tomorrow will be a delightful day, futsal session at 3 will surely cheer me up after screwing my phone up, yeeehaww~

Tired, night peeps!

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