Friday, January 30, 2009
Back to KB...
It's been a week that i didn't get to update my latest post,i was in my hometown over Perak,Teluk Intan along with my families and cousins... As i said before,i was looking forward in C.N.Y,that was a week ago,and now,it's gonna end,how could it be so fast?! I miss my relatives,i miss the atmosphere of C.N.Y,being together with our families and relatives together,how nice is that... C.N.Y is all about the chance for everyone to gather up and have the opportunity to get closer relationship to each other by chatting and interacting with each others.
For me,C.N.Y is not really for the Ang Pau that we get,it's of the joyfull atmosphere,i enjoyed it alot... To be honest,i was with my bro at Teluk Intan for a few days,well,i feel that it's good to have siblings and cousins... Well,today when we were about to leave Teluk Intan,i wasn't in the mood at all,besides,granny's been repeating that she's been happy to see her sons,grandsons,and great grandsons were back to see her,but by the time we were about to leave,she felt very bad... I felt so bad to her,she's been lonely for most of the time,only a few of them and kids are staying together with granny,but they've got to work and study for most of the time,which left granny and aunt at home sometimes...
In the mean time,i think mommy and daddy too,how is it when i went to college/Uni in the near future,i would be worried about them and they might be lonely as granny is... *Sigh... I'm really out of mood for now,everything just seems to be stucked in my mind,furthermore,i felt lonely once i reached home,compared to granny's place... I doesn't feel like posting up my blog about my C.N.Y for now... Not now...*Sigh...
Once again,thank alot for the concerns...
Me myself doesn't want the feeling of being moody,yeah...
Once again,you aren't around here for me when I'm feeling bad... Where are you... Do you know that your words can easily change my mind?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Happy Niu Year guys and girls...
No Pants,no shoes,just shirts... That's why...
*Sigh... Every year,i tend to miss out all the C.N.Y invitation from my friends because i was in Perak all the time for C.N.Y,and this time,It's the same thing,AGAIN!! If I'm not mistaken,i would miss out 2 of the invitations and will only be able to attend on 1/2 of an invitation on next Thursday. Why would i said it's a 1/2? Because the party started from around 12pm until late night,on the other hand,mom and dad planned to come back to K.B on Thursday,which means i would reach K.B at around 7pm... *sigh~ I'm always the missing one T__________T
5 hours+ of chatting through phone call... That really broke my record in my entire life wey... Thanks to sis for the accompanied,hohoho ^^
Last but not least,Guys and Girls,have a Happy New Year !! All the best from BanaNa~ ^^
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
During the game,i took this picture when I'm switched to become the G.K for my team...
We all know,that accidents while we're having sports happens quite often... And today it did happened quite a number of accidents among us... For me,my foot had been stepped for 4 times if I'm not mistaken,2 was by C.Yaw,1 was by Eddie and the another one,well... I can't really remember about it as it's not really a good stuff to be remember about... Oh,i was in bare foot by that time,and those who stepped on my foot were with their shoes on... GOSH!!that's damn pain wey...
Then,followed by H.Yong... By that time i was in the position of g.k,as i was trying to yell at Jeon's name and i threw the ball as hard as i could and it ended up hitting H.Yong on his face... That was a damn funny moment for us,all of us LOL-ed,but at the same time,it's painful for the victim wey... HAHAHA... By that time i yelled like "JEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOON!! And yet,the ball ended up by landing on H.Yong's face... A big big sorry to H.Yong here... ^^
H.Yong's with a nerdy post... He fits all the requirement to be a nerd XD
1st requirement: Pull your socks as high as you can
2nd requirement: Tugged in your shirts
3rd requirement: Well,have a nerdy face... XD (no offence nor insulting content,just a JOKE) ^^
As i said,i was expecting that i won't be having my leg muscle to cramp as i did some more warm up before the game started,but it did happen,zzz... This time was with my left leg. By that time i just fell down and ask for help,sakit laaaa,and i was then switched to g.k's position...
After that,Jeon's the one that kena in the face... A power full shoot delivered by someone(forgotten who did that) that hits Jeon's face in direct contact... That's awfully pain wey... Hmmm,today's match was very nice to be honest,although i just get to score one goal for my team,but it wasn't really matter about the scoring of goals or the amount of goals scored,it's about the enjoyment of our teamwork as the match was in process,today I'm very satisfied with my team member,because all of us have a great teamwork(at least it's better than previous days' teamwork) Each of us weren't that selfish as before,assist to each other and delivered goals,that's what we should enjoy... Looking forward for the next futsal match ^^
When the time's up,we then went home with our pain and blood along... LOL...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Leng Lui(s) ~
Today,for school,nothing seems very special,it's just that our History subject's teacher get mad for today,she's pregnant for now,and seems that she's showing some symthom of menstruation some more... She was sooo damn different compared to her previous lesson in our class,maybe she had a quarell over with her husband?? Who knows? =P
Hmmm... All the while,i was trying to find some celebrities's photos. And weeks ago,i started to realise that...
"OH,I've got Google laaa,why don't i just type in the celeb's name and search for their photos?! BODOH LAAA"
My all time favourite Hong Kong's celeb---> Linda Chung for sure!! *clap clap* She looks sweet when she smiles.Through my observation,by the time she started to step into her career,she seems to have lil bit of 'baby fat' over her face,which made her looks kinda cute. But now,she's bit more mature and much more pretty and sweet, She's definately#1 in my H.K celeb Leng Lui's list ^^ Cheers~~
And the 2nd place is taken by my 2nd Fav---> Gigi Lai (Lai Ji) When i first saw Gigi's drama/film,it was like years ago,by that time,i never realised that she'll be such pretty in just a short period of time,i used to saw her drama when she was with her short hair,but I'm not sure whether she's with a long or a short hair for now... Because,sadly,Gigi had already stopped her career in the reason of taking care of her brother which involve in an accident (if im not mistaken,accident...right?) Hmm,she looks much more pretty when she's with her long hair as the picture shown below... ^^


Charmaine Sheh~
These are my top 5 Hong Kong Leng Lui(s) celebrities~ If you've got any idea or maybe comment,please kindly left it on this post or in the chatter-box,i would like to know about YOUR comment over my opinion ^^ Last but not least... My top 5 H.K celebs,RULES!!! ROAR~~
P/S: T.Wei,your Linda Chung is now mine...XD
Sunday, January 18, 2009
3rd week duh...

Teeheee.... ^^
Pang seems to be unwilling to be in the photo... ISH
This was a HUMONGOUS bone from the fish that we've ate... Wuuuu~
Friday, January 16, 2009
The following day...
LISTEN TO MY ADVISE!!! Although the fried chicken was free of charge,but the whole plate of nasi lemak taste was just incredibly nice SUCKS!! Don't ever order a KFC Nasi Lemak for your breakfast boys and girls,you'll regret for damn sure...(unless you're a freak,@.@")
After our breakfast,we then went back to Zhe's house. Pang and Wan Wei went back in just a moment after our meal... Well,we were informed that Zhe's dad will be arrived at around 2pm+ to fetch us home... But it's just around 12pm+ after our meal... And so,we ended up like this...
After that... Both of them were desperately boring... That's why...
Zhe's creation with the bamboo stick which was brought by Shou to poke thru the sausages,and these were the extras... Thanks to Zhe and C.Wen,we enjoyed the BBQ treat alot ^^ thanks for everything...
P/S: Actually we've been doing something which was against the law,we could have been caught by doing so...XD refer to the photo above (the first and second photo) HELMETS didn't attached on our heads! And we've survived without our helmets on our head for almost 2km of distance weey,YAY~~
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Don't you think that,lighting up a fire with the charcoal is and easy job? NAH! It took us about 1 hour+ to settle it, there were 2 sea-scout's member,which means they should be professional in dealing something like this,but konon-nya... SAMA SAJA =P
While waiting for the fire for our BBQ to get started,here's some appetiser
Potatoes~ made by Zhe's sis,C.Wen It's very very tasty,me love~
Here's some photos with it's caption...
Theng's flash kinda ruined this pic...Gaaahh...
Black and white... Dark and fair... Soft and hard...
Suddenly,Jia Li,Tze Sie and Wan Wei seems to be mad and they forced me to be the camera guy and take these photos for them... Most of the photos looks kinda stupid,hahaha (no offence)
The normal one...
Followed by the mad cute one... =P
Tze Sie: Let's see what's inside...Kekeke...
Jia Li: Har,Is it a fake one?
They even grabbed my hand phone into the toilet for camwhoring...@.@
And this my favourite picture among all of it... ^^
Actually there's much more photos that i didn't managed to upload it into this post,because i might get murdered if i do so... So,these photos should be more than enough for the 3 'models' with green. I've been forced requested to take these photos for them,so yeah...
By right,Wan Wei won't be staying over night at Zhe's house,but because of the bridge that enable her to go towards her house were under renovation,so,she've got no choice but to stay over night with the guys ngek ngek ngek...
After our BBQ,all of us started to chat with each others,Pang started and was so eager to share his ghost story with us,Gaaah,CNY is around the corner,say something that's interesting la please,ish...
It's around 3am,and we were exhausted and slowly one by one,we fell assleep... Ladies always have the advantage,Wan Wei slept on the sofa and we guys slept on the floor nia... Shou and me were the last to sleep,Bak slept earlier and he snores like a pig wey... =P
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's damn cold,gaaahhh...
Early in the morning,when i woke up from my bed,i can feel that something was wrong with my self... And so,i didn't took my bath for today ( i mean morning's bath =P) I know you might feel abit disgusting,but there wasn't any unwanted smell,don't worry...hahaha.
Once i reached to my class,it's so darn cold that we didn't even need to switch on the fan. Right after the announcement,i felt that's things started to get wrong,i was starting to sneeze like mad... I sneezed on the average of almost 4 times per period... DAMN,that's torturing... My nose felt kinda 'hot' when i exhale as if im on a fever,but i wasn't...
Hmm,today P.Zheng seems to be insane because of the cold-ness outside,it's raining heavily,and while we were copy-ing our note from the teacher,Zheng started some stupid questions towards Min May,my name was been used in some of the questions that's been asked. zzZZZZ... Well,That actually kinda made up my day...heehe,thanks
When the school bell rang,and it started to rain more vigorously as if 'HE' knew we were about to go out from the school gate,and started to drop the rain like mad.And so,i need to walk out as the rain were still pouring down. Once i reached home...OMG,i swear that this is my first time ever,EVER to switch the water heater in
It seems like i never switch on the heater at all,the water that has been flows out from because it's Damn freaking cold outside!! And i was actually shivering while i was having my afternoon bath... T______T
It's tuition time,and i was the only one that sneeze like mad in the class (sorry for disturbing guys and girls,T_T) And my total calculation,it's been almost 50+ times of sneezing for today... Sign-ing off guys... Wish me luck,cus tomorrow i still need to attend for a BBQ party,GOSH,get rid of my flue as fast as possible laaaa,i wanna enjoy my BBQ laaaa!!
And now,it seems that i've got the answer that i was been expecting,but then, you should have told me about the reason why earlier before... I'm sorry,i know it's been partly my fault,but it's all because of you...^^,and now, it seem things have been back to normal once again... I'm glad that you could understand about it,^^
*many thanks for all of you guys and girl's concern,esp 2 of you...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well,the reason why i didn't get to post my blog in the previous day was because that I'm not in the mood to write it. I know,I KNOW!! I'm a total failure in controlling my mood,i admit that I'm sucks in controlling my mood sometimes,but anyhow,i still need to give a big big thanks to the same person, ^_^ thanks alot... Honestly,these few days my face looks like shit when ever I'm in the class,but thanks for you friends' concerning... But, now i still didn't get the answer that i want.
Yesterday was the 2nd day for the 2nd week of 2009,and i just realised that studying at the ground floor are so teruk... Today, while we were having our class,suddenly there was a smell that's soooo terrible,horrible,ridiculous,disgusting and awfull!! The reasons that it's such smelly was because the sewage line of the toilet is just beside our class!! Up till now,i still can't get the rid of the smell,*uuggh,GROSS!!... I can't imagine that we still need to endure this kinda sucky situation for the whole year studying in this class...
*sigh...i really really don't understand,what's inside your mind,what are you thinking of... Because of you,i felt totally lost in my mind... I hope that i can somehow get the answer from you someday... Do you know how bad do i feel because of this?... Today it's the 3rd day that you didn't reply any of my sms and seems never spot my appearance at school... All of a sudden,i seems to be a stranger to you...
"If you are looking at this post,please do understand how much do i care of you..."
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tired wey...
BM's tuition class...Mr.Gan's on teaching,=D
I know,I know,i looks stupid right?! BUT,I'm forced to do so,by Jeon... He's the one to be blamed =P
BM's tuition started from 2.00pm, ended at 4.00pm and Add-math started at 4.30pm until 6.30pm... It's a 4 hours' tuition spreeeee~~ T.T
Night time,we went for dinner at 'Kawan restaurant'... OH,recently,i found out that i loooooove kopi-beng and kopi-0-beng ALOT!!!!!!

Kopi-beng/Kopi-o-beng/Teh-o-beng,me likeky muchy...^_^
P/S: Right after my dinner,my bro called me in MSN,and he told me that he had bought a new shirt for me!! And it's my all time favourite----> BABY MILO!!! =D ,i was soooo damn shocked,it's his first time ever to buy me something,and i was sooo damn happy,"kan tong" neeeh~~ Thanks alot bro ^_^
Thursday, January 8, 2009
lonely laaaa...
Cookies... me likey...
Looking forward for CNY,yay~ Ang Pau and new cloths,that's nice =D