Don't you think that,lighting up a fire with the charcoal is and easy job? NAH! It took us about 1 hour+ to settle it, there were 2 sea-scout's member,which means they should be professional in dealing something like this,but konon-nya... SAMA SAJA =P
While waiting for the fire for our BBQ to get started,here's some appetiser
Potatoes~ made by Zhe's sis,C.Wen It's very very tasty,me love~
Here's some photos with it's caption...
Theng's flash kinda ruined this pic...Gaaahh...
Black and white... Dark and fair... Soft and hard...
Suddenly,Jia Li,Tze Sie and Wan Wei seems to be mad and they forced me to be the camera guy and take these photos for them... Most of the photos looks kinda stupid,hahaha (no offence)
The normal one...
Followed by the mad cute one... =P
Tze Sie: Let's see what's inside...Kekeke...
Jia Li: Har,Is it a fake one?
They even grabbed my hand phone into the toilet for camwhoring...@.@
And this my favourite picture among all of it... ^^
Actually there's much more photos that i didn't managed to upload it into this post,because i might get murdered if i do so... So,these photos should be more than enough for the 3 'models' with green. I've been forced requested to take these photos for them,so yeah...
By right,Wan Wei won't be staying over night at Zhe's house,but because of the bridge that enable her to go towards her house were under renovation,so,she've got no choice but to stay over night with the guys ngek ngek ngek...
After our BBQ,all of us started to chat with each others,Pang started and was so eager to share his ghost story with us,Gaaah,CNY is around the corner,say something that's interesting la please,ish...
It's around 3am,and we were exhausted and slowly one by one,we fell assleep... Ladies always have the advantage,Wan Wei slept on the sofa and we guys slept on the floor nia... Shou and me were the last to sleep,Bak slept earlier and he snores like a pig wey... =P
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