Hey Hey Hey!! It's year 2009!! Let's wave or hands off to year 2008,and hope for all the best in 2009!! On the 31st of December,i went to a BBQ party at Shou's house,but i was already at his house at around 2pm,why?? I think most of you the students,especially in SMCH Chung Hwa knew the reason why over these few photos...
Yes! It's stupid moral project... All those photos (there's more that i didn't upload em) are just so damn 'konon-nya' fake like anything,but we are all forced to do this kind of stupid things,even the teachers knew that we won't do this kinda things because of the project,their advise for us was...
" Aiya,Just pretend to take those photos that you're working,thats more than enough already..."
Hmm,the reason that we had chosen Shou's house was because that he've got a biiiiig orchard garden which enable us to snap some photos related to the nature... There there,here's some advertisement for your shop,Shou...^_^
Nice, isnt it?
How about this one?? XD
It's around 5pm,and we were still watching the drama 'Forensic Heroes 2'. About 6pm,we then go for the preparation for the BBQ such as preparing those tools,chairs,'poking' those sausages with a bamboo stick,making up the fire,blah blah blah...
Surprisingly,ALOT of them can't make it for the party due to some other reasons,which really really do disappointed each and everyone of us,what's the matter guys?? *Sigh... Still,we continued our BBQ for about 10++ of us... It wasn't that enjoyable and fun compared to the previous BBQ party,because of the absence of you fellas... *Haiz...
Yet,we still managed to get lotsa stupid photos by that time too...^_^
Yaaaaa,i know we're slapable...
WT*?? Have you ever seen this before?? Shoes in BBQ tray...with a few sausages??!! @.@
While we were joking around and chatting around,the rain started to drop,HEAVILY. Which cause us to moved in our chairs and everything... Around 11pm,they started to gone back home one by one, and suddenly i received a called by mom that i need to stayed over night at Shou's house because it's on a heavy traffic jam... And so i do...
And we came out with an idea of taking photos on the HEAVY rain~~ Lalala...
Awww,how sweet~~
Emo dudes...
Pang kinda ruined this pic... Ish~
Im forced to do this... XD
Fairly fit VS Skinny beanny
beggars on the rain~ XD
Kisses in the rain~ Awww~
Okay,now we came out for some stupid-ier suggestion, here's some short picture clip... It's named as
"The Rival Of Fatty and Skinny"
Fatty: Bwahahahaha,It's been 32426125623 years since our last fight against each other, Finally,now it's time for revenge!!!
Skinny: Mwahahahaha, Revenge?! You're just a loser for me,you're nothing!! Aaaaaa...
Fatty: Show me what you got,I've been waiting for you. And now I'm gonna ROCK YOUR B**LS!!!
Skinny: NEVER EVER,take this Fat guy... *Nah...
Fatty : *Bluuuurb*
Skinny : You must to thankful to be killed by my 'thousand years pee'
After a long fight,both idiots felt exhausted,and they signed a agreement peace,which is
' perjanjian peace no war tahun 2008"
And so,the lived happily ever after...
Here's some credits for the clip The Rival of Fatty and Skinny,
starring : H.Shou-Fatty , S.Shyang-Skinny
Director: B.Siew
Camera man: B.Siew
STOP THE CRAP... @.@" It's almost 12am and we were watching Astro's channel 316 on the programme for Taiwan,Tai Pei's countdown ceremony... This time,Tai Pei didn't invite alot of Stars and bands,they were all separated to some other places,ish ish... But still,the 'bombing' over Tai Pei 101 was amazing,those fire crackers were very nice...^_^
To be continue on the next episode...
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