Recently,i was busy with the arrangement for my tuition classes,I've got to eliminate some of the previous tuition classes,and in the same time find another one to replace it,but then i need to considered about the time table for each and every tuition,kinda sucks...
Well,talk about my first tuition class in the year 2009,it's on Wednesday's chemistry tuition and I also fallen asleep when the class was on going,LOL,this is because the tuition started right after our school ends..
Today,it's my first day to go for the BM and Add-maths tuition for year 2009. YEAH!! I've to go to my Add-math's tuition right after BM's... Tired wey... (But i used to attend 3 tuition classes in a day,@,@)
BM's tuition class...Mr.Gan's on teaching,=D
I know,I know,i looks stupid right?! BUT,I'm forced to do so,by Jeon... He's the one to be blamed =P
BM's tuition started from 2.00pm, ended at 4.00pm and Add-math started at 4.30pm until 6.30pm... It's a 4 hours' tuition spreeeee~~ T.T
Night time,we went for dinner at 'Kawan restaurant'... OH,recently,i found out that i loooooove kopi-beng and kopi-0-beng ALOT!!!!!!

Kopi-beng/Kopi-o-beng/Teh-o-beng,me likeky muchy...^_^
P/S: Right after my dinner,my bro called me in MSN,and he told me that he had bought a new shirt for me!! And it's my all time favourite----> BABY MILO!!! =D ,i was soooo damn shocked,it's his first time ever to buy me something,and i was sooo damn happy,"kan tong" neeeh~~ Thanks alot bro ^_^
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