Today,for school,nothing seems very special,it's just that our History subject's teacher get mad for today,she's pregnant for now,and seems that she's showing some symthom of menstruation some more... She was sooo damn different compared to her previous lesson in our class,maybe she had a quarell over with her husband?? Who knows? =P
Hmmm... All the while,i was trying to find some celebrities's photos. And weeks ago,i started to realise that...
"OH,I've got Google laaa,why don't i just type in the celeb's name and search for their photos?! BODOH LAAA"
My all time favourite Hong Kong's celeb---> Linda Chung for sure!! *clap clap* She looks sweet when she smiles.Through my observation,by the time she started to step into her career,she seems to have lil bit of 'baby fat' over her face,which made her looks kinda cute. But now,she's bit more mature and much more pretty and sweet, She's definately#1 in my H.K celeb Leng Lui's list ^^ Cheers~~
And the 2nd place is taken by my 2nd Fav---> Gigi Lai (Lai Ji) When i first saw Gigi's drama/film,it was like years ago,by that time,i never realised that she'll be such pretty in just a short period of time,i used to saw her drama when she was with her short hair,but I'm not sure whether she's with a long or a short hair for now... Because,sadly,Gigi had already stopped her career in the reason of taking care of her brother which involve in an accident (if im not mistaken,accident...right?) Hmm,she looks much more pretty when she's with her long hair as the picture shown below... ^^


Charmaine Sheh~
These are my top 5 Hong Kong Leng Lui(s) celebrities~ If you've got any idea or maybe comment,please kindly left it on this post or in the chatter-box,i would like to know about YOUR comment over my opinion ^^ Last but not least... My top 5 H.K celebs,RULES!!! ROAR~~
P/S: T.Wei,your Linda Chung is now mine...XD
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