1st of February 2009,Sunday...
Well,today's the first day for school after our 1 week holiday for C.N.Y,the feeling of being at school was just so sucks. I was still with the C.N.Y mood(although I'm feeling lonely for now) and i just can't get used to it when i was sitting in my class facing those teacher with their slapable face.*sigh... Well,i will be updating my post related to my previous week which was the week for C.N.Y.
Let's jump start with 23rd of February,as my previous post mentioned before,i never sleep for today(23rd) because i was trying to get myself 'unconscious' while I'm on my 7 hours+ journey to my hometown which is located at Perak,Teluk Intan. Well,as usual,we waited for dad to 'ta pao' our breakfast,and yeah,it was chicken rice. It was around 12pm+ and we were starting to get our things and stuffs into dad's car. We then went off at around 12.30pm

on the way...

My plan did succeed,i did sleep like a pig once i was in the car,when i opened my eyes,i was already at the place for us to stop for our lunch,it almost took us 2 hours to reach destination and i was sleeping until mom woke me up.
When it's around 7.40pm,we finally reached to granny's house... After that,we were exhausted for being in the car for the whole day and dad decided to ta pau 'chee cheong fan' which is the famous delicacy for Teluk Intan,it's a well-known food wey~ It does taste delicious,but for the recent years,it seems to be abit lousy compared to the the years before... After a short while of chit chatting around,we then went to bed due to the reason that we were all tired.
my dad's place...
Ooh,before i forgot to mention,please don't get misunderstood that how am i supposed to move from my father's place to my mother's place in just a blink of eye,actually both mom and dad's place were located at the same district,and we can even reach to both place just by walking,that's why we have the advantage while we were on our C.N.Y,because we could just visit both side in just a matter of minutes. As for me,mommy and bro,we usually stays at mom's place which because they have some extra more rooms for us.
As for the 24th, i woke up around 8-9am...And today,my bro will be arrived along with my cousin brother to Teluk Intan from KL.
my mom's place...
Granny's busy with some C.N.Y's decoration and i snapped this photo without her notice,lol...
Later on,we then went for our breakfast in a well-known restaurant which is popular with it's curry mee and mee jawa(indian mee) I realised something while i was having my breakfast over there,i actually found out that Teluk Intan produces pretty girls wey! HAHAHA! This is mostly because that majority of them are Chinese in Teluk Intan,compared to Kelantan?! Naah... It won't happens here,you'll see lotsa PXGs instead of pretty girls,duhh... But i knew that Teluk Intan used to have alot of pretty girls,but for today,it was my first time to see such 'amount' of leng luiss,thats why.

Mee Jawa~yummy
Cham Beng (Teh + Kopi with beng)
I'm actually in a rush on this post,because my mom is grumbling around,well,i will try to make some correction if it's necessary. Besides,there will be more update for tomorrow,stay tuned,signing off...
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