13rd of February 2oo9,Friday...
Today,I've been informed that our class will be having our so called "practice" for our dikir barat performance which the competition would be around March,duuh... PRACTICE...Ish,it's more like kacau-ing,hohoho...
Before this,i was wondering around that,should i attend for the practice? Hmm... Because i was informed by Zheng,that she said most of them won't be appearing and majority were all girls nia. I was like,huh?? If i were to go there,and just a few little kitten over there,i rather sleep as a pig at home,seriously... Well then,i've got my own decision by that time...
But all of a sudden,miracle appears,MAN! That's kinda shocking... Chong Hwa (a friend of mine,not my school's name,don't get missunderstood aa) texted me,and ask whether i would be going or not... I replied with a 'No' and explain the reason why... He replied saying that he would be there,FOR SURE... And he's not forcing me to attend the practice. After these words,it actually 'touched' my heart,some more it's spoken by Chong Hwa weeey,that's a rare event to be seen through my EYES! LOL,and so i changed my mind...
When i first arrive to Cai Yee's house,everyone of them LOL-ed about my BALD-Y head... Lol,i thought that i was always being botak?? Well,anyhow,me,Y.Kang,C.Hwa,C.Yee went downstairs to photostat the lyrics,and also to check out some song's tittle from You-Tube... Besides,i was kinda shocked to see that,WOW,alot of them did appear... Luckily i came,or else I'm gonna die...
Y.Kang's face is just damn slapable!!
(konon-nya searching for songs,but then went for some parody video clip,ish ish ish...)
While we were "searching" for our songs,Cai Yee's busy with the Photostat thingy... And suddenly she shouted,because the paper appeared to be jammed inside the machine... Ish,At first just 4 of us were discovering whether how are we supposed to get this fixed,but then,we just can't and so we called for the 'reinforcement'... LOL
Kinda like those drama,which there's a bomb inside,and they're figuring out how to take it out... :P
Phew,after about 15 minutes of operation,parts and parts of the machine has been taken off,and the only solution to take the paper out,is just to push some button,instead of giving a 'surgery' towards the machine...LOL benar...ish
After a short while,it's time to eat~~ (the time is already around 8pm+,and some of us need to get home by 9pm,and we didn't even started our practice,YET!!) Well then,we became the white mouse as test of Cai Yee's Low Keuw Tiao. She kept on asking for our comment on it,and so we have got no choice but to say,"YEAH,it's very delicious" LOL,actually,it's not that bad to be eaten laa,and i bet that it was totally better than those unedible food served by Renaissance for Wednesday night!! GAaaaah!

Looks great,doesn't it?
About half an hour later,at last we're able to get our practice started... (Finally)hahaha... We're having alot of discussion about the songs and the lyrics,there's been lotsa jokes especially from Zheng,lol,her facial expression often make us LOL-ed... HOHO...

Aiyo,no hand phones la please...Serious wey...
Semangat laaaa... Ish...
Because that my parents were on their dinner,that's why i need to follow Zheng's car to go back home... Oh,before i gone back to home,i was given a 'mission',is that i need to modify the lyric,as the words and songs are abit weird,wow,it's a important task oo,hahaha... Although we didn't get much things done on the lyrics today,but we sure does enjoyed it.. Haaa...
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