The Lions~
It was stated that the function should be started at 7.30pm,but then it ended up like starting at around... 8.20pm?? lol... First was the arrival of the Honour and VVIPs,then it was followed by National Anthem and then The United States' Anthem... And blah blah blah... The thing that i really look forward onto was this one~ Heee...
Dinner Served!!!( just ignore about the dance performance)
First,it serves up with this,Hot and Cold ( not from Katie Perry aa) plate... Well,after the whole dinner,we just found out that those nice-looking name were all just kononnya! I can bet that this is my worst ever dinner,some more it's from a 5 stars hotel's chief... GOSH!
This was just the beginning of the nightmare...T__________T
After the first dish served,some performance were carried out by our SMCH's students... And this kinda happened... Heeehee

I took this when they weren't on their alert,HOHOHO...
Here,there's the 2nd dish been served... It's named as the shark fin and blah blah blah... The name does sounds attractive,but the look doesn't really make us to have the guts to have a taste on it... It's OUR first time ever to see chillies in a shark fin soups in our entire life!? WTH?! That really does freaks us out. Ok,let's put aside about the chillies,if the soup was nice,it's edible at least,BUT it's not! The soup was like sour like hell??!! I've never ate this kind of shark fin soup before,seriously...
The incredibly yucky's shark fin soup...YUCKS~
And now,the next meal served up was named 'paper wrapped chicken' All of us agree that this was the only normal food among all the other,but this chicken was just way way too oily...=_="
And there's deep fried shrimp,it was also a terrible dish,the shrimp was totally unfresh,all of us said the same thing... (forgotten to take the photo of deep fried shrimp)
Most probably,if you found out that the dishes were horrible,most likely you would hope for the best on the fried rice,for me,i did hope alot that the fried rice would be at least a great one,but i was totally wrong... The outlook of the fried rice is already 'good' enough for me to judge that it's tasteless... Why would is said so? Because the rice wasn't a fried rice,it should be said as plain white rice! It's colourless,and barely tasteless,even the smells are like white rice,OMG!!! I was in total disappointment after the fried rice...
Till now,i have lost all my hope,even on the dessert... And the name of the dessert was,'Water chestnut with egg'... That sound kinda cool,but it seriously creeps ALL of us out! SERIOUSLY!!! I've smelled on it (i know i shouldn't) and guess what? It was like Ammonia!! If you've been had done before on Chemistry's experiment,i bet you know how bad does ammonia smells like. For an easier explanation of the smell,it was like the combination of a rotten egg,and a rotten flesh of a coconut,seriously smells incredibly sucks!
P/S: I'm not trying to drop the reputation of this Hotel,but then,everyone of us complain about the same thing,and even those Lions and the other adult,they didn't finish up each and every dishes that's been served! I've observed that!! GOSH! I am telling the truth!!!
Finally,the nightmare has come to an end... Phew~ now it's the time for entertainment~ yay! Oh,before they started to dance,we went for toilet,and there was a sound that actually made me LOL-ed like mad. There was a uncle that followed us into the toilet,and once he went into the room,he actually FART and it almost took him 2-3 sec on the duration! BWAHAHAHAHA,and it's damn loud!! :D
Yong is trying to calm himself down before his performance on the stage...
(he actually requested this photo to appear on my post,LOL)
Their performance 'Makarena' dance
Then,here's the 'chicken dance' which all the Lions were invited up onto the stage to dance along,luckily i wasn't been dragged up,cus the dance really does make them to be exhausted...
And then,it ended at around 12am,and because our unsatisfaction on the dishes which had been served just now,we then decided to go for roti canai~ It's whole lot more tastier wey!
My roti-canai telur~ yummy~
Though the dishes were all sucks,but at least I've enjoyed to be there... And yeah... just enjoy~
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