And later on... He goes near the window,like this... As if he wanted to commit suicide...
Next Tuesday will be our competition already,and yet we still didn't even have a full attendance,it's just around the corner and we still can't get the whole group to turn up for practice!! Gaargh!! Our quantity are already lesser in compared to the other classes,(because we've got some nerdy and a few Malays that doesn't want to participate) Besides,our teacher are just not fierce enough to force our people to turn up for practice... @.@
Tak kerjasama!! Playing with the I-Phone some more!!
And so,i decided to went downstairs along with a few of them,and start my motorbike lesson (not scooter) I was kinda dumb with the gear changing... Well,the place wasn't wide enough for my practice,and yeah... Just took some stupid photos... XD
Kang looked at my performance... And show me this kind of face...
tsk tsk tsk...
After that,we then went up to continue our practice... And it ended at around 7pm,and mom was supposed to fetch me on time,because that i still have a party to attend and the reason that i want her to reach on time was because we still need to search for his house as that we don't know the exact location...
I was suppose to wait patiently,but yet i tried to phone up mom and remind her. Jeng jeng jeng...(sound effect) When i called up,mom said that she really forgotten about it,and she was still having tea time with her friends... I was like " OMG!! MOM! You really forget about it ah! Luckily i phone you,or else we(me,P.Zheng,M.May) gonna wait until the next morning aaa!!" Swt benar.... =_________="
And so,we wait...
And wait...
And wait... *Yawn*
And wait... "patiently"
And finally... Wait...
Yeah,we waited for almost 30 minutes that everyone's gone back home,but K.Ann was still waiting for us,how nice is he... But then we forced him to go back since it's 3 of us left... And so he did,Thanks Ann ^^
I called mom and she said they were on the way... =____________________=" i hate the phrase 'on the way' And after some 15 minutes later,finally... When i got up into the car,they just kept on saying,'aiyaa,sorry ya forgotten already... I was like... SWT! We've been feeding mosquito for almost 45 minutes... T.T
I will separate another post for the party...
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