Ever changed a deflated tyre before? I bet most of you people who drive out there don't have that opportunity to actually change a tyre, unless if you're really that LUCKY...
Sunday was my lucky day! :D To be exact, it was OUR (Kiwi) lucky day :DD
Sooooo... Do you think that its shameful to have two big fella who never ever experienced of changing a deflated tyre before? There were actually two in a petrol kiosk somewhere around Suria Mas last Sunday, LOL!
The dad was some where around, so yeah... No choice -,-
At first we THOUGHT that the tool kit wasn't actually there, so then we wondered around thinking of how to lift up the car before we could try to change, mana tau...
So it took us bout half an hour? Or more... I don't remember... Well it was kinda funny to see how they ( Kiwi and the parent ) communicate with each other, lol...
Precious lesson learned, awesome experience gained... How to actually replace a deflated tyre, NYAHAHAAA~
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