15th of March 2009,Monday...
Today it's raining like mad,it started since yesterday. Gosh! Its so damn nice to sleep while the raining is pouring outside,and i was in my room with my blanket on top,Oh~~ How wonderful is that,XD And today i feel like going for basketball,and its a must for me to go! Because yesterday i had already gave an aeroplane to Yen and the others,that's why... So,after our tuition,we then went back home to change our cloth and out we go to the basketball court~
During Gan's tuition class... Ish,one is looking on the front,one is looking at the screen,=.="
Today's basketball game were kinda tiring,as we never stop for rest and kept on deuce the freaking game... =.=" After that,we then went for dinner at the so called "ponde's burger" zzzz,i was wondering why they said so,well,the reason was that the owner of that hawker stall looks like a "ponde"... LOL-ED...
The burger stall that I've mentioned...
After our meal,we've chatted for about an hour before leaving. There were 5 of us,but there were just 1 bicycle and 1 bike... Jeon and Yen took the bicycle and headed to Yen's house... And its just left 3 of us,and a bike... Guess what? 3p...XD 3 of us were on a bike,hahahahaaaaa! What a nice experience...
Once reached to Yen's house,we then went to our bath... And i saw this on Yen's computer table,its Terror blade/Soul Keeper wei! (One of the DoTA hero)...


Signing off~
And,ngam ngam the match for M.U and Liverpool started once i have finished my bath,yay! (but I'm not either one of the team's fans,I'm forever Arsenal!!) So,the match started with Ronaldo's penalty shot,and he scored it (wtf)...

After a few minutes,Liverpool gets a goal which is scored by Toress,which made the game a 1-1...

After a few minutes,Liverpool gets a goal which is scored by Toress,which made the game a 1-1...
Jie's been scolding while Liverpool scored,LOL... (cheers for me XD)
Well,the game ended with a 4-1 wey! M.U with 4 goals?? Naaaaaaah! Liverpool with 4 while M.U with only 1!! XD... It actually shocks me to see this kind of result by M.U,but anyway, Arsenal still rox! :D
Went home,and keep on DoTA,won all the matches (i will make another post regarding to DoTA)... After that,felt kinda hungry because i just ate a packet a nasi lemak for my dinner ( damn small one) And coincidentally,mom tapau this for me... Nice~ Its been months that i didn't have my supper,at last... XD
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