30 of March 2009,Monday...
Hello there! I'm back from Perak,Teluk Intan~ We started our journey at around 1pm and reached KB at around 8pm+... Well now,i will recall back the previous few days which i have spent in T.I on 27th of March(Friday).
First of all,as i have told you guys in the previous post that i ruined my plan of not to sleep for the whole day. Well,before that I've ate a dried scallop which i been given by mom's friend.

Inside the small plastic bag...

On my hand...
Well,it tasted like dried squid or something,anyhow,it still taste good since its all the way from Japan wey~
After having the squid-like,dried scallop,i then went to have a few matches of DoTA,and apparently i lost both of the matches with the reason that I've got noobie on my team,that's why... And due to this,it actually one of the reason why that made me to fall asleep,because once I'm losing,i then lay down on my bed to have some rest until it's end,and yeah...
When it's around 10am,dad fetched me to tapau our breakfast,while in the same time after dropping me at the coffee shop,he then went to his office to settle some of his things and stuffs,well he told me that it would only be around 20 minutes for him to finish his stuff,but semuanya itu adalah K.O.N.O.N.N.Y.A! I was waiting at the coffee shop for about 1 hour+ before he fetched me up,the aunties and uncles were asking me whether what i was waiting for. Surprisingly ,i didn't get mad nor pissed towards it,instead i talked nicely once i was in the car,cool huh? XD...

See,i was soooo bored of waiting,that i took this photo while the auntie was busy with her mee to be done...
Seriously,the meal over there are all very delicious,and I've been eating for almost 5-8 years if I'm not mistaken,highly recommended ( It's located around at Padang Bank duh... You know laaaa)
After our breakfast,it was already 12pm! And dad wasn't done with his meeting,YET! Besides,we still need to fetch Benny to the person which will be taking care of him...

The head~

The fat body uh!
(I will have a special post for my Benny boy in the near future )
At last,we've started our journey and its already 2pm+ zzZ...

In the car~

our foods and bottles,weee~
We then have our lunch,at the same old place... HOHOoo~

Yummy!! I just can't resist that they way it looks like,especially the eggs!!
There must be a reason why that i said my plan was ruined,because it so happen that i failed to fall asleep in the car,i did sleep for several times,but it's just maybe half an hour per sleep,LOL!
Finally,its about 9pm+ and we've reached T.I at last... We've been informed that today (Friday) was Min Yi's birthday! (not Yap Min Yi,is Toh Min Yi,a niece of my,LOLX) And so we waited for her arrival and have a celebration with her~

cousin brother was persuading my niece to cut the cake,but she just don't want to... I wonder why,LOL...

Persuasion in progress...

Succeed!! Yay~~

It's a ice cream cake duh...
By right,i shouldn't have any food anymore because i was thinking of going back to room to have some sleep,but after the celebration,dad called me to accompany him along to fill up the petrol,zzz... This have made me to get even hungry wey,I've got no choice but to have my supper ( It's been quite some time that i didn't have my supper already )
It's about 12am,and so my cousin recommended us to go for Char Kue Teow around Sungai Limbung...

It's just a small hawker stall,with just 2 pieces of light,but then with alot of customer... WoW

It seriously taste good,but it would be better if it can be a lil bit more dry...
I've broke my promise to some one on not to have my supper anymore,but i did it for today... Hehehee...
After the meal,brushed my teeth,sat down and then off to bed... I was sooo darn exhausted by that time...
To be continue~
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