Hey hey hey~~ Guys and girls,as you know,that recently i was busy with my practice... YEAH,(i repeated it for 2345668346793 of times already,I KNOW, :P) Well,sorry for the late update,this post is mainly about the birthday party which i had attended on the last Friday,which was specially for Shyuan and Zheng (Tan Ling should be there too,but she was too tired...)
As my previous post said,before going to the party,we were having our practice,and we didn't even know the exact location of Shyuan's house... And know what?? It took us about 30 minutes to get to his house... And they even came out by car to fetch me,Zheng and M.May to his house... SWTS!
Well,to be exact,this post is specially dedicated for Ivan!! He was complaining that his photo weren't in my post all the time,(but then,it's true laaa,BUT!! If i were to take more photo with you,for sure your face can appeared more often laa,right Ivan? XD )
W.Wei + Ivan !!
Jeon!!! What are you trying to do to Ivan?! He can sue you in the reason of sexual harassment you know?! Ish ish~~ XD (but Ivan seems to be indulging... LOL)
Then,Zheng came up with a unique idea... Taking group photo,but with our freaky looking facial expressions... @.@

Well,I'm exhausted for now... later guys...
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